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mirror of blochlib-1.2, updated to build on modern linux


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author:: Bo Blanton
last modified:: December 9 2002

go to {source-root}/doc/html/index.html

for the most current version of the documentation go to

you must have a frame enabled browser otherwise you can view
the 'non-framed' version here

The Most important Doc so far is the 'Matrix' it has some peculiar rules

->For installation options see "INSTALL"

---version 1.1

  A little bug with configuring on OS X 10.2 
  should now be fixed.  
  WORKING FOR OS X and the 'isnan' problem
  the `Imi(SpinSys, int)' and `Ip(SpinSys, int)' 
  function produced identity matrices, the wrong type, 
  they now function properly and the same as SpinSys::Ip(int), 
  and SpinSys::Im(int).

  A small problem was brought to my attention when one 
  tried to compile the source without using ATLAS (not recommended, 
  but it may be nessesary)...this should now be fixed as of 11.25.02

  Matrix cross product had a bit of a bug when trying to calculate
  crosses between Symmetric and Hermitian types, this is now fixed

  the 'setSpinParam' of SolidSys would probably mess up if you 
  tried to set a Dipole parameters, this is also fixed

  XWINNMR--> reads the parameters and FIDs from an XWINNMR 
  directory structure (both 1and 2Ds), 
  SpinSight--> reads the parameters and FIDs from a SpinSight 
  directory structure (both 1 and 2Ds), 
  wavestream --> reads and writes .WAV audio files 
  from many data types.

  The Full matrix--matrix multiplication C*=A has been 
  improved by ~30% IT CALCULATES A DYSON TIME ORDERED product...
  i.e. C=A*C (not the usual C=C*A) but is ~30% 
  (depending on the matrix size) faster then the explicit \'C=A*C\' as we can avoid a temporary copy.

  the Complex Numbers now can have float or double sub 
  precision (i.e Complex<float> and Complex<double>) the 
  old \'complex\' is still valid and is only a typedef of Complex<double>

  The matrix has a new \'reshape\' function that functions 
  exactly as the matlab version (e.g. takes a 2x5 matrix to 1x10, etc)

  a faster \'copy\' and \'assignment\' (operator=) for the matrix 
  of the SAME TYPE and STRUCTURE (uses the \'memcpy\' 
  function which is quite speedy)

----version 1.0 ---- yippie.... 8.22.02 
  Several new things have been updated/fixed since the 0.9 version 
  (as the list below can atest to)
    1) NAMESPACES The advent of making everything gcc 3.1 compatable
    required me to do some place the library into a namespace, 
    thus in every source file you use "blochlib.h", you will need 
    to include "using namespace BlochLib;" in the file as well.

    2) should compile on both gcc 2.95 and gcc 3.1 (DO NOT USE GCC 3.0 
    it is WAY too slow)

    3) ModulatedDemagField class fixed.

    4) Documentation (over 1000 pages) should be complete aside 
    from typos (which i am sure there are plenty).

---update 8.2.02
  The documentation drudges along...many a minor bug fixed...

    1) fixed a minor problem with the rotations class when 
    the rotor speed was set to 0 and when the rotor angle was 
    not set to 0 (which thus effected some of the hamiltonians)

    2) several enhancements and fixes to the matrix class 
    involving resizing and other \'alteration\' functions 
    (getting rows, columns, etc) have been repaired. Under 
    odd conditions they would not perform correctly, and this is now fixed.

    3) the Relaxation Bloch Interaction has seen many improvement 
    including the ability to relax off the (0,0,1) axis

    4) The VNMR class has a \'ProcPar\' class reader and 
    the ability to open a \'directory\' (the standard place 
    where VNMR puts the procpar and the fid).

    5) exceptions are now implemented over the old 
    \'exit()\' routines so you too can try and catch things.

    6) a math \'Parser\' class has been added which will parse 
    an input string with the usual mathematical functions 
    (like 2*(5+2)^(2)) that allows for global and local varaible...
    the current implementation does not allow for complex numbers 
    or multi input functions (you cannot do something like \'moo(9,0)\'
    only \'moo(9)\' will work. 

    7) a basic script interpretor (\'ScriptParse\') that parses 
    variables assignments (A=B), loops and if/elseif/else statements. 
    It was created with the ability to let you create your own 
    scripting interface by simply creating a new class with function that decides (called \'decide\') what to do if it hits one of your own functions....

    8) with those above new classes and the various bug fixes throughout 
    the library, the Solid example/program has been DRAMATICALLY altered 
    (current version...solid-2.0). It does away with the \'scripto\' interface 
    and incorporates its own mild scripting capabilities with dramatically
    altered syntax. (solid-1.6 and solid-2.0 files ARE NOT compatible at all). 
    Currently it is a stripped down version of the old program (solid-1.6). 
    The scripting interface now allows for dynamic sections, and arbitrary 
    2D spectra of any can simply change a parameter and recollect
    the spectrum and it will be added to a 2D master list which will be 
    saved as a matlab file. Mutli Spin systems can also be used so you 
    can change the entire interaction set at any time (this usually needs 
    to be performed for liquid-crystal DAS experiments). Point-To-Point 
    3D experiments are now possible (these really create a 2D data set). 
    The same capability of pseudo phase cycling is still present. The input 
    syntax is so much simpler and useful that it is a pitty these things 
    were not done sooner. It does not, however, perform the \'hamil\' or 
    \'fit\' types of abilities the old version had before. BUT there is a 
    stable \'hamil\' program in the examples anyway which performs better 
    anyway, and the fitting was so unreliable in the first place, it really 
    did not need to be there. The \'bspec\', \'opdet\', and \'sym\' options 
    are no longer needed, as you can simply use the basic scripting interface
    to perform these anyway. The \'jump\' type has also removed because 
    of its complete lack of generality (thus making it not very useful)

--version 0.9...The end is near...

	--- ALL the main data drivers, containers, and functionality has been included and it is bug testing time and finalization of 'loose ends'
	---What remains...
		1) Documentation...hopefully as all the code design is done, the documentation can be written..
		2) Diffusion? i am still debating to included diffusion in the may be a bit too difficult, and slow for the current version of the lib...a thing to keep in mind for version 2 perhaps as the grid class would need to be rewritten.
		3) Examples need to be documented better (the code need some comments as well as updating from the older version of the lib)
		4) General bug fishing and testing 
		1) another speed upgrade for the 'prop(matrix, matrix)' function improved by ~30%
		2) a full MPI controller class (instead of the C functions, we have an object now) with both BLOCKING and NON-BLOCKING commands
		3) the 'biot' class has been parallelized for optimum performance
		4) the 'solid' program (included in the examples) has been heavily updated and optimized for parallel running as well a ton of other speed enhancements and minor bug fixes. 

--version 0.8...
	---Now allows the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West (FFTW)
	   library to be used as the main driver for Fourier Transforms 
	   of Vectors and Matrices...A very fast implementation for FFTs...
	   i highly recommend using this library...simply type 
	   "--enable-fftw=<path to libs>" (like /usr/local/)
	   in the configure path, and everything will be properly set.

	---the matrix Multiply code (for full matricies) has been 
	    DRASTICALLY altered there is currently 2 setups possible...
	    as we all know, the machine specific BLAS as ALWAYS 
	    much faster then anything a simple one man shows can create, 
	    sooo i tries to create some 'okay' optimize code (meaning that
	    if you do not have a machine specific BLAS package, everything
	    still works, and with okay it is still faster
	    then the basic netlib matrix multiply and many other packages,
	    but compared to what the vendors can give you , 
	    it will be ~2-3 times slower) if you want to use a vendor
	    BLAS package, you will need to 2 things

		a) use the '--with-blas=<mylib>' option in the configure 

		b) Edit the top of 'container/matrix/matmatmul.h" to 
		   reference the correct function within the lib

	INTEL (LINUX)::***just so you know, the current set up in 
		'matmatmul.h' is for Intel's MKL library and ATLAS libs.
		and will work on both CYGWIN and LINUX environments

		***NOTE***--->I have found that the ATLAS tuned libraries 
		can be FASTER than the MKL libs on some Intel machines, 
		i invite you to try testing them versus each other. 
		Read the Windows.Readme for more info on how to configure 
		and use ATLAS for this library.
		get ATLAS here
		specific for Pentiums (and it is quite speedy, in fact 
		i think it is a fast as can one can get) DO NOT use the 
		'lapack' lib or any Shared libs (i.e. no *.so) here, 
		use either the 'libmkl_p3.a' (for pentium 3's) or 
		'libmkl_def.a' for everything else

		It requires the "pthread lib" on linux so do "--enable-pthread" in the configure line..... 

		you will need to set "OMP_NUM_THREADS" in your environment 
		if you have an SMP machine (careful, not setting this 
		can cause mass havoc if you also use MPI)	
	INTEL (CYGWIN/PC)::Read the "Windows.Readme" on how to make the 
	        best BLAS lib and incorporate it into the library.
	        You will need 1) cygwin, 2) ATLAS...please read my 
	        directions inside the windows readme file when 
	        configuring ATLAS...

	SGI:: go here for the lib optimized lib 
	     (this has not yet been implemented in the library yet)

	SUN:: go here for the lib optimized lib 
	   (this has not yet been implemented in the library yet, 
	   but SUN's library should come with the OS)
	 1a) Lots of other speed improvements have been made 
	     throughout the code making the Quantum Mechanical
	     type simulation go ~5-10 times faster....(nice eh?)
	 2) The rotation class has had 'Cartesian' or 'spherical' or
	    'both' types of rotations are not handeled in an optimized
	 3) a bug fix for the second order Quadrupole interaction

--version 0.7...
	1) The beginning of the parallel world...
	   some VERY BASIC MPI functions to allow one to compile code 
	   with or without the MPI library present...
	-- In the works simple "get" and "put" methods for each container type 
	   (matrix, vectors, coords, etc) are being written...
	-- NOTE:: this MPI implementation is not really designed for 
	   massively parallel systems (i.e. systems of 128 processors) 
	   but more the 2-10 processors range where distributing 
	   loops is advantageous, the normal container operations 
	   (things like "vector + vector") will not be parallel unless 
	   you create a specific function to do so 
	   (which should be simple once the main interface is complete)
	   look to the �MPI� section of the documentation for more details and examples, 
	   and look to the �INSTALL� section for the new configure options for MPI
	2) a VNMR class called 'VNMRstream' that will read and write 
	   the binary formats (both 1D and 2D) from the VNMR (Varian) 
	   spectrometer system 
	3) The general solid-state simulation application 'Solid' is now included
	   as a glorified example in the 'examples' directory
	4) The very nice minimization package "MINUIT" from has now been
	   included in the library using a heavily debugged and reworked
	   'C-MINUIT(' to allow inclusion
	   into the shared lib as well as C++ apps

--version 0.6
	1) large shift in the way the blochparameters are treated
	2) able to have 3-vector offsets and off zaxis interactions
	3) general magnetic field calculator integrated with
	   the offset characterization of a parameter space
	4) a "Parameters" class that make inputting of data config files 
	   very simple...

--version 0.5
	1) Basic Quantum Mechanical backbone laid downs
	2) Spin and Spatial Tensors 
	3) Spin Systems
	4) Optimized Solid state interaction classes
	5) Power Average generator angle generator
	6) Solid System (an extension to the Spin System)
	7) Gamma-Compute algorithm for spinning FIDs
	8) a simple one-D FID generator (spinning, or not)

--version 0.4
	1) more documentation added....however, more classes and features added it 
	   seems i am still in the same place as before...needing technical writer. any takers?
	2) Stencils::vector stencils and there creation have been very easily implemented 
	   and finished...Stencils on Grid and associated data have been MOSTLY finished
	   still lots of minor fixing and pieces to create, but the hard part is finished
	3) spin tensors and spin systems (the standard Quantum Mechanical Types) have been 
	   added as auxiliary classes...(it beefs up the spin dynamics a bit)
	4) Dipole-Dipole and Demagnitizing Field interactions have been added
	5) Numerous fixes and improvements to main numerical engines...especially the
	   BlochSolver...improved error checking and improved I/O control for multiple
	   pulse sections/fid collection, etc
	6) SHAPES have been mildly recast into expression template forms of '&&' and '||' 
	   (and/or) allowing precise control over multiple 'odd' shaped objects
	   (i.e. you can incorperate slice plane, cylinders and cubes in a simple 'plane && cylinder || cube' expression)
	7) Edge detection created for be used mostly for the Stencils 
	   (functional, but not refined) and Boundary conditions (main classes begun, 
	   not finished...need to create the Neumann BCs and a few other highly common
	   BCs)..BC NOT integrated into anything yet...
	8) more and more examples...from simple class tests to complex spin dynamical 
	9) HOLLY CHROME! it compiles on macs, linux, sgi's, and windows...this is too weird..
	   lets hear it for gcc!

--version 0.2
	1) started the large process of documentation
	2) added 2 interactions to the "Interactions" 
	Bulk Susceptibility and Radiation Damping
	3) allows for 'Dimensionless' Units for the magnetization
	when solving the diff eqs (all spins Magnetization will Add to 1)

--version 0.1
	1)basic data structures and algorithms lay out
	Matrix, vectors, grids, coords, diffeq solvers, BlochParameters


mirror of blochlib-1.2, updated to build on modern linux







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  • C++ 74.6%
  • Shell 10.7%
  • Makefile 6.7%
  • M4 3.1%
  • MATLAB 3.0%
  • Fortran 1.0%
  • C 0.9%