Download ArchISO from and put on a USB drive with Etcher, Ventoy, or Rufus
From initial Prompt type the following commands:
pacman -Sy git
git clone
cd ArchUsmn
This is completely automated arch install. It includes prompts to select your desired desktop environment, window manager, AUR helper, and whether to do a full or minimal install. The KDE desktop environment on arch includes all the packages I use on a daily basis, as well as some customizations.
Arch Linux RickEllis Installation Guide
Arch Linux Wiki Installation Guide
The main script will generate .log files for every script that is run as part of the installation process. These log files contain the terminal output so you can review any warnings or errors that occurred during installation and aid in troubleshooting.
You can check if the WiFi is blocked by running rfkill list
If it says Soft blocked: yes, then run rfkill unblock wifi
After unblocking the WiFi, you can connect to it. Go through these 5 steps:
#1: Run iwctl
#2: Run device list
, and find your device name.
#3: Run station [device name] scan
#4: Run station [device name] get-networks
#5: Find your network, and run station [device name] connect [network name]
, enter your password and run exit
. You can test if you have internet connection by running ping
, and then Press Ctrl and C to stop the ping test.
An issue is easier to resolve if it contains a few important pieces of information.
- Chosen configuration from /configs/setup.conf (DONT INCLUDE PASSWORDS)
- Errors seen in .log files
- What commit/branch you used
- Where you were installing (VMWare, Virtualbox, Virt-Manager, Baremetal, etc)
- If a VM, what was the configuration used.
- Original packages script was a post install cleanup script called ArchMatic located here: