Tags: Mu-L/atuin
Release v0.10.0 (atuinsh#440) 06ac958 Show current version on server index (atuinsh#436) 706b1af Disable ARM docker builds (atuinsh#438) f2abc23 Update README.md 3c2b055 Noyez fix dir hostname utf8 (atuinsh#430) 3f5350d [feature] Add scroll wheel support to interactive history search (atuinsh#435) dcdde22 Fix text outline for dark mode 9ac0c60 Implement cursor (atuinsh#412) 119ab9e Adds password prompt for register and login (atuinsh#424) e5df809 Noyez zsh histdb import (atuinsh#393) b08e254 Improve default fish keybindings (atuinsh#420) 4096c6e Update README.md cd2a3ab Add fish shell to key binding docs (atuinsh#418) b278211 Bump clap_complete from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 (atuinsh#397) ee66c0a Bump axum from 0.5.5 to 0.5.6 (atuinsh#415) 4297e26 Bump tokio from 1.18.1 to 1.18.2 (atuinsh#396) dbd9ca5 Bump clap from 3.1.16 to 3.1.18 (atuinsh#401) a7c9d19 Bump tower-http from 0.3.2 to 0.3.3 (atuinsh#399) 3b79f68 Bump axum from 0.5.4 to 0.5.5 (atuinsh#402) f340771 Cleanup dependencies – disable unnecessary or unused features (atuinsh#407) ab294cd Don't pollute shell environment - remove 'id' variable (atuinsh#408) 14b3060 Allow to build atuin server without client (atuinsh#404) 5e4e8d1 Don't create config dir for server in default location if not needed (atuinsh#406) b7946cc Update Chinese version README.md (atuinsh#403) e0291f6 Update README.md 301190e Build ARM docker image in GitHub Actions using QEMU (atuinsh#400) 1d030b9 Importer V3 (atuinsh#395) d3a4ff9 Bump clap from 3.1.15 to 3.1.16 (atuinsh#392) e9d2ec4 Add ctrl-k and ctrl-j for up and down (atuinsh#394) 25afb5b Bump serde_json from 1.0.80 to 1.0.81 (atuinsh#387) 4a839da Adds stats summary (atuinsh#384) 7a394b0 Bump serde from 1.0.136 to 1.0.137 (atuinsh#375) edd3f81 Bump clap_complete from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 (atuinsh#377) d85d03d Bump log from 0.4.16 to 0.4.17 (atuinsh#382) dc3b7ef Bump tokio from 1.18.0 to 1.18.1 (atuinsh#383) 12440c1 Bump serde_json from 1.0.79 to 1.0.80 (atuinsh#376) 731042f Bump tower-http from 0.3.1 to 0.3.2 (atuinsh#378) 82505e6 Bump clap from 3.1.12 to 3.1.15 (atuinsh#381) e05c19d Add Chinese documentation translation & Fix spelling mistakes (atuinsh#373) 6e280e2 Add Russian documentation translation (atuinsh#365) 40efdd1 Bump http from 0.2.6 to 0.2.7 (atuinsh#368) 8bc5bec Bump tower-http from 0.3.0 to 0.3.1 (atuinsh#367) 172ac8d Create FUNDING.yml 7cdd00b Bump tokio from 1.17.0 to 1.18.0 (atuinsh#357) 9d2e9ea Search: Allow specifiying the limited of returned entries (atuinsh#364) 93ab4e7 ignore JetBrains IDEs, tidy-up imports (atuinsh#348) 2cb4cb3 Bump axum from 0.5.3 to 0.5.4 (atuinsh#355) 796644e Add created_at column to users (atuinsh#354) f8233bc SQLx cannot run this migration OK (atuinsh#353) d8ef5dd fix db range query (atuinsh#351) 5926ea6 fix import auto for bash (atuinsh#352) 43d299f bump tui (atuinsh#346) 8ac6571 Remove all select * from the server queries (atuinsh#347) 4030de4 Add btree index on history table (atuinsh#345) b692e0c Bump tower-http from 0.2.5 to 0.3.0 (atuinsh#343) 3680f4a Bump clap from 3.1.11 to 3.1.12 (atuinsh#342) 7f5310a history list (atuinsh#340)
Release v0.9.1 (atuinsh#338) a050faa Use `--locked` flag for CI builds (atuinsh#337) 8737474 Update Cargo.lock (atuinsh#336) eab1dbf sql builder (atuinsh#333) Fixed to include an updated lockfile that was missed in the last release Thank you for the rapid report @orhun!
Release v0.9.0 (atuinsh#334) 89549b3 Bump uuid from 0.8.2 to 1.0.0 (atuinsh#311) 831cc98 Fix typos in the docs. (atuinsh#171) 7436e4f feature-flags (atuinsh#328) 508d4f4 History filter (atuinsh#329) 02c70de refactor (atuinsh#327) a9d1ece Added docker-compose.yml (atuinsh#325) b8bdd83 Bump clap from 3.1.10 to 3.1.11 (atuinsh#323) 52a3d0c Bump tracing from 0.1.33 to 0.1.34 (atuinsh#324) 79597b0 Bump clap_complete from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 (atuinsh#316) 5aca611 Allow for larger commands (atuinsh#321) 9085485 tracing (atuinsh#315) 98d70fb treat popos as ubuntu (atuinsh#319) d57f549 refactor commands for better separation (atuinsh#313) 24e2971 Fix SQL cache query (atuinsh#318) fe05d86 Fix delete trigger (atuinsh#317) 48747e3 A few minor tweaks (atuinsh#314) ed4e07d Use the count cache (atuinsh#312) 6e11b8e Bump clap from 3.1.9 to 3.1.10 (atuinsh#309) 44e417d Bump axum from 0.5.1 to 0.5.3 (atuinsh#310) b98a378 Add count trigger (atuinsh#308) 7fe523a Bump sqlx from 0.5.11 to 0.5.13 (atuinsh#305) c5ab2a4 Bump clap from 3.1.8 to 3.1.9 (atuinsh#306) 55f66c8 Bump cli-table from 0.4.6 to 0.4.7 (atuinsh#297) 69279d2 Bump config from 0.13.0 to 0.13.1 (atuinsh#303) d94cdae README: add MacPorts installation instructions (atuinsh#302) f4240aa Initial implementation of calendar API (atuinsh#298) 3c5fbc5 provide better error messages (atuinsh#300) bc45bab remove default db uri (atuinsh#299) 4897f4a Bump rmp-serde from 0.15.5 to 1.0.0 (atuinsh#264) 5b2e828 Bump directories from 3.0.2 to 4.0.1 (atuinsh#246) 016386c Bump urlencoding from 1.3.3 to 2.1.0 (atuinsh#208) a95018c goodbye warp, hello axum (atuinsh#296) 3b7ed7c fix env config parsing (atuinsh#295)
Release v0.8.1 (atuinsh#291) f861893 Update to clap 3.1.x (atuinsh#289) e8f7aac Add compact mode (atuinsh#288) 1e04c4c Add rust-version to Cargo.toml (atuinsh#287) 222e52b Update Dockerfile fae118a Improve fuzzy search (atuinsh#279) 7cde55a Add code of conduct (atuinsh#281) d270798 Update config-rs (atuinsh#280) 3248883 Update README.md 7f58741 Fix `history list --cwd` errors (atuinsh#278) e117b62 Update fish bindings. (atuinsh#265) 4223ac6 Restore bash 4.2 compatibility, only add hook once (atuinsh#271) 7651f89 Add support for blesh (atuinsh#267) c2dd332 fix: get install.sh working on UbuntuWSL (atuinsh#260) 84403a3 Bump reqwest from 0.11.7 to 0.11.9 (atuinsh#261) 5005cf7 Bump serde_json from 1.0.73 to 1.0.75 (atuinsh#262) 7fa3e1c Do not crash if the history timestamp is in the future (atuinsh#250) 8d21506 use sqlite grouping rather than subquery (atuinsh#181) d36ff13 Replace dpkg with apt (atuinsh#248)
Release v0.7.2 (atuinsh#222) * Release v0.7.2 * Update CHANGELOG.md
Release v0.7.0 (atuinsh#103) * Release v0.7.0 - Update all the crate versions - Update the demo gif - Write a changelog - Adjust the title of the search screen (has the old name still) - Adjust the colours of the quick-jump numbers (sadly invisible on some colour schemes as dark grey :/) * Update README, default config file, docs * Link usernames * Trigger release workflow upon release creation, as well as tags