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Coworker was originally open-sourced from an internal project to showcase the ideas we were testing that worked so well for us. It's fallen significantly out of date, and because of when it was written documentation on Kotlin Coroutines weren't great. As a result I've noticed a few bugs/inneffecienes that exist. I plan a rewrite of these at some point, but haven't really had the time as of yet. If you have any questions though feel free to reach out, and ask about how the SQL/Code works (the SQL is the same as internal and can be trusted to be the most effecient).


Coworker is a delayed work runner built for JVM Based languages, written in kotlin. Coworker started off as an experiment as bringin coroutine ideas to background work. Allowing you to work on something else if you're say waiting for an external system.

Specifically Coworker introduces three new concepts:

  • yield - Allowing a piece of work to yield to higher priority work, or yield for a set time.
  • Stages - Allowing a piece of work to be more naturally expressed with the previously mentioned yielding concepts.
  • LISTEN/NOTIFY - Using native SQL notifications to allow picking up work without constantly querying the DB for new work.

From there Coworker than adopted ideas specifically from InstJobs which is a ruby based delayed work runner that has several nice features. Specifically it brings over the ideas of:

  • Self Healing: Coworker if configured will rescheduled work whose underlying node died.
  • Failed Work Table: Allowing you to track which Work failed.
  • N-Strands: Allowing only a certain number of stranded work to run at a time.
  • Marginalia: Log where in code a query is happening within the framework.

Supported Architectures

Tl;dr: PostgreSQL for DBs, Consul for Service Checks, Java/Kotlin officially suported.

Currently Coworker only has support for PostgreSQL DBs. The biggest reason for this is due to: LISTEN/NOTIFY. However since postgres has these features other postgresql only queries have been written that make the workmanager code more efficient.

As for checking if work are still running, currently the method of doing this is built into Consul service checks. Although there is nothing unique to consul being used here per say, other architectures are not supported due to familiarity. If you'd like to see something like zookeeper support please file a PR!


Setting up coworker is similar to other Java dependencies. The only thing to be warry of is Migrations. Coworker leaves the job of creating the SQL tables up to the user so they can use whichever sort of framework/deployment method they want for migrations.

You can find all migrations in our src/main/resources/migrations/ folder. The naming of migrations is as follows: MigrationVersion_MigrationName_DatabaseType. So you should be able to identify which migrations should be applied in which order, and what database they're for.

Coworker is available in the maven central repositories so you can just add it to your dependencies:




compile 'io.kungfury:coworker:1.2.0'

Writing Jobs

There are some basic example jobs in: bench/coworker/. Specifically we have three job types:

  • EmptyJob - Just exits the job right away. Minimal piece of code.
  • EchoJob - Echos to the console, and then exits.
  • RemoteJob - Makes an https call to google, waits a minute, and then finishes.

However we highly recommend reading the documentation for an in-depth explanation of what constructor params we pass into jobs, and an explanation of why things are the way they are.


NOTE: Bencmarks were done on the following scenarios:

"Job Box": t3.large instance in AWS in us-east-1 deployed in a VPC.

Java: openjdk-8-jdk-headless

Linux: ubuntu 16.04

Maven: 3.3.9


  • Redis: Using a cache.m3.xlarge with no replicas, not encrypting at rest or in transit. Deployed in the same VPC, same region, with no other applications connecting.


  • PostgreSQL: Using a db.m4.xlarge with no replicas (production mode), Deployed in the same VPC, same region, with no other applications connecting.

Jobs: 100 jobs that just echo "Hello World", to simulate quick running jobs. 100 jobs that call, and wait a minute to simulate waiting on a remote job.


NOTE: The Graph was generated using the plotd tool

Coworker Performance Test

In this graph "1" is really the Coworker Executor, and "2" is Jesque. As you can see, Coworker finishes it's work pool in about 13% of the time as Jesque!

But How Real to Life is this?

Coworker performs so much faster than Jesque for one simple reason. Yielding. Since Coworker is able to yield it can "kick-off" all those remote jobs, and continue other pieces of work while it waits for those jobs to be ready again. Meanwhile Jesque has no concept of yield. So it gets all 10 workers stuck waiting for the remote job to finish after a minute.

If it's just a speed of queueing jobs that do nothing jesque will always be faster because Redis is so much faster than postgres. That being said these sorts of tests are completely not true to life since your worker will actually be doing work.

Obviously a performance test will never be able to fully tell you how your application will run, since every application is different. However generally the two biggest benefits you get from using Coworker will be:

  • Limiting the number of work that can stomp your DB (e.g. large analytics queries) by using nstrands.
  • Work that do a lot of waiting. (E.g. waiting for a provision in another system to complete).

If this two cases do not fit you Coworker may still be faster than your delayed work runner currently. That is if you're using SQL as the backing store, or an unoptimized redis store.