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TEE integration

This repository contains the code needed to test the libgroupsig library inside the TEE.

Setup docker container

We have prepared several container images with the preconfigured QEMU. We provide an image with everything packed and another one where the repository must be mounted.

Manual process

Using preconfigured image

Run container in detached mode

docker run --name spirs -it --rm -d -p 5000:5000

If you want some sort of persistence, you have to bind-mount the file/directories in the container

Connect to the container and compile the project

docker exec -it spirs bash
make -C build -j qemu

Mounting your own repository

The first step is to clone the dependencies, libgroupsig and mondrian inside spirs_tee_sdk repository

git clone --depth 1
git clone --depth 1 spirs_tee_sdk/modules/libgroupsig
git clone --depth 1 spirs_tee_sdk/modules/mondrian

Copy the required files to compile our project

cp groupsig.cmake groupsig_import.cmake spirs_tee_sdk
cp -r enclave/{gicp,ta_callbacks_gicp.c} spirs_tee_sdk/enclave/
cp enclave/include/ta_shared_gicp.h spirs_tee_sdk/enclave/include/
cp enclave/tee_internal_api/include/tee_ta_api_gicp.h spirs_tee_sdk/enclave/tee_internal_api/include/
cp -r host/{gicp_api,host_gicp.c} spirs_tee_sdk/host/
cp -r modules/libgroupsig/tee spirs_tee_sdk/modules/libgroupsig
cp -r modules/mondrian/tee spirs_tee_sdk/modules/mondrian

Patch CMakeLists.txt to include our changes

patch -u spirs_tee_sdk/enclave/CMakeLists.txt -i patches/cmakelistsenclave.patch
patch -u spirs_tee_sdk/host/CMakeLists.txt -i patches/cmakelistshost.patch
patch -u spirs_tee_sdk/CMakeLists.txt -i patches/cmakelists.patch
patch -u spirs_tee_sdk/modules/libgroupsig/src/wrappers/python/pygroupsig/ -i patches/pygroupsig.patch

Generate the crypto material for the demo

(cd scripts && ./ gms monitors producers)
mkdir -p spirs_tee_sdk/crypto && cp -r scripts/{gms,monitors,producers,chain.pem} spirs_tee_sdk/crypto

Launch the container in detached mode

docker run --name spirs -it --rm -d -p 5000:5000 -v $PWD/spirs_tee_sdk:/spirs_tee_sdk

Change the -v path accordingly so spirs_tee_sdk directory is mounted inside the container

Connect to the container and compile the project

docker exec -it spirs bash
cmake -B build && make -C build
make -C build -j image && make -C build -j qemu

Post configuration

If you want to execute the clients from the container, you will need to compile libgroupsig in a "normal" way, using x86_64 gcc, install python dependencies, compile the python wrapper and install the generated wheel.

docker exec -it spirs bash
cmake -B build/libgroupsig modules/libgroupsig && make -C build/libgroupsig
apt update -qq && apt install -y python3-dev python3-pip requests
cd modules/libgroupsig/src/wrappers/python/ && python3 bdist_wheel && pip install dist/pygroupsig-1.1.0-*.whl

Automated process (compile library)

Run the script scripts/

# cd .. # if you are inside spirs_tee_sdk directory

Finally connect to spirs container and run the command to start qemu

docker exec -it spirs bash
make -C build -j qemu


We have uploaded the API specification using the OpenAPI v3 standard. Check it at

Note: There are two functions offered in the executable that are not available in the API: --sign/--verify, these functions are provided as a way to sign/verify without using python library, however it is very inadvisable due to the overhead added when creating+opening a connection with the TA (slow) and the fact that you would need to have access to a member key.

./ groupsig --sign /root/sig --asset /root/asset --mkey /root/mkey
./ groupsig --verify /root/sig --asset /root/asset

In a future iteration of the library, we aim to move this functionality to the RA so that the overhead added by the TA is removed.


The code of the clients (producers and monitors) can be found under host/gicp_api. There are 3 elements:

  • This code runs in the same machine as the TEE. It'll execute the commands through
  • This is the client used by every entity that is in charge of signing assets.
  • This is the client used by entities (monitors) that have the permission to revoke signature identities.

The messages between server and clients must be mutually authenticated. The server must have access to the CA chain in order to validate client certificates.

The mutual authentication step can be removed if that is not required.

Clients must send their certificate if they want to register in a group, that certificate will be validated and, if everything is correct and the entity has the permissions, the registration will be completed.

Two scripts, named and, have been included to show the basic usage of the clients, as CLI and as a library respectively.


It is necessary to create the crypto material for each group. The crypto material will be located in the machine/QEMU in charge of the group (group manager).

These commands serve as an example of deploying the group in QEMU

# Create the group for producers
./ groupsig -s cpy06
# Create the group for monitors
./ groupsig -s cpy06 -a _mon
# Launch the server
python3 gicp_api/ -C path/CERT -K path/KEY -c path/CHAIN
# python3 gicp_api/ -C crypto/gms/usr1.crt -K crypto/gms/usr1.key -c crypto/chain.pem

The machine/QEMU hosting the groups must have python3 and python3-flask installed

Now, regarding the clients, there are two ways to execute them.

Option 1: Command line interface (CLI)

These commands will be executed in another machine/QEMU by a service that needs to sign assets/evidences/logs.

# Register in group (This must contact the server)
python3 gicp_api/ -r -C path/CERT -K path/KEY -H localhost
# python3 gicp_api/ -r -C crypto/producers/usr1.crt -K crypto/producers/usr1.key -H localhost
# Sign asset (locally)
python3 gicp_api/ -s -a path/ASSET -S path/SIGNATURE -C path/CERT -K path/KEY -H localhost
# python3 gicp_api/ -s -a asset -S sig -C crypto/producers/usr1.crt -K crypto/producers/usr1.key -H localhost
# If needed, it's possible to verify a signature (locally)
python3 gicp_api/ -v -a path/ASSET -S path/SIGNATURE -C path/CERT -K path/KEY -H localhost
# python3 gicp_api/ -v -a asset -S sig -C crypto/producers/usr1.crt -K crypto/producers/usr1.key -H localhost

These commands will be executed in another machine/QEMU that needs to revoke an identity if service/machine is compromised.

# Register in monitors group (This must contact the server)
python3 gicp_api/ -r -C path/CERT -K path/KEY -H localhost
# python3 gicp_api/ -r -C crypto/monitors/usr1.crt -K crypto/monitors/usr1.key -H localhost
# Revoke identity based on signature (This must contact the server)
python3 gicp_api/ -R -S path/SIGNATURE -C path/CERT -K path/KEY -H localhost
# python3 gicp_api/ -R -S sig -C crypto/monitors/usr1.crt -K crypto/monitors/usr1.key -H localhost
# Check status of signature's identity (This must contact the server)
python3 gicp_api/ -t -S path/SIGNATURE -C path/CERT -K path/KEY -H localhost
# python3 gicp_api/ -t -S sig -C crypto/monitors/usr1.crt -K crypto/monitors/usr1.key -H localhost

# If needed, the monitor can sign signatures issued by producers (locally)
python3 gicp_api/ -s -a path/SIGNATURE -S path/MONITOR_SIGNATURE -C path/CERT -K path/KEY -H localhost
# python3 gicp_api/ -s -a sig -S sig_mon -C crypto/monitors/usr1.crt -K crypto/monitors/usr1.key -H localhost
# The revoker can verify signatures issued by services (locally)
python3 gicp_api/ -v -a path/ASSET -S path/SIGNATURE -C path/CERT -K path/KEY -H localhost
# python3 gicp_api/ -v -a asset -S sig -C crypto/monitors/usr1.crt -K crypto/monitors/usr1.key -H localhost

We have prepared a small demo showing the functionality

Start containers and compile the groupsig library

Generate groups and start servers. Register entities and sign/verify/revoke/check-status

Option 2: Python library

These commands will be executed in another machine/QEMU by a service that needs to sign assets/evidences/logs.

import host.gicp_api.client as client

PCRT = "crypto/producers/usr1.crt"
PKEY = "crypto/producers/usr1.key"

# Initialize a Producer (requires an active server, a public certificate and its private key)
prod = client.Producer('localhost', PCRT, PKEY)
# Register in monitors group (This must contact the server)
# Sign asset (locally) and saves the signature in file "sig" (default behaviour)
# Sign asset (locally) and save the signature in a custom file
prod.sign(asset='gkey', sig='output/file')
# If needed, it's possible to verify a signature (locally)
# If no signature file is specified, it will look for the default signature file "sig"
prod.verify(asset='gkey', sig='output/file')

These commands will be executed in another machine/QEMU that need to revoke an identity if service/machine is compromised.

import host.gicp_api.client_mon as client_mon

MCRT = "../crypto/monitors/usr1.crt"
MKEY = "../crypto/monitors/usr1.key"

# Initialize a Producer (requires an active server, a public certificate and its private key)
mon = client_mon.Monitor('localhost', MCRT, MKEY)
# Register in monitors group (This must contact the server)
# Revoke identity based on signature (This must contact the server)
# Check status of signature's identity (This must contact the server)
# If needed, the monitor can sign signatures issued by producers (locally)
mon.sign(asset='output/asset', sig='sig_mon')
# The revoker can verify signatures issued by services (locally)
mon.verify(asset='output/asset', sig='output/sigfile')


We have prepared docker containers with all the required dependencies to run the python libgroupsig wrapper

Producers/Services client image

docker run --rm -it --network "host" -v $PWD/scripts/producers:/tmp/crypto -r -C /tmp/crypto/usr1.crt -K /tmp/crypto/usr1.key -H

Monitors/Revokers client image

docker run --rm -it --network "host" -v $PWD/scripts/monitors:/tmp/crypto -r -C /tmp/crypto/usr1.crt -K /tmp/crypto/usr1.key -H


We have developed several test cases using pytest to verify the correct functionality of the API server and clients. The code can be found in the dorectory host/tests

python3 host/tests/ -h
python3 host/tests/ --cov

pandas package is required to process the output of the commands executed


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