tinycache is a tiny, no-frills, in-memory cache for a single type. Safe for concurrent usage. Lazy expiration by default but a reaping option can be enabled if needed.
Grab the module:
go get -u github.com/Xiol/tinycache
Then use it:
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := tinycache.New[string](
// WithTTL sets the default TTL for all keys. TTLs for
// individual keys can be set with SetTTL(), and this
// overrides the default. If omitted or zero, keys will
// not expire.
// When WithReapInterval is provided, a reaper goroutine
// is started which removes expired keys at the specified
// interval. If omitted, keys will not be cleaned up
// automatically. Call Reap() yourself, or Delete() keys
// manually.
// Closing the cache will stop the reaper goroutine and remove
// all cache entries
defer cache.Close()
// Set key/value pairs in the cache
cache.Set("key1", "value1")
cache.SetTTL("key2", "value2", 3*time.Second)
// Retrieve values from the cache
v, ok := cache.Get("key1")
if ok {
v2, ok := cache.Get("key2")
if ok {
// Wait for TTL
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
_, ok = cache.Get("key1")
if ok {
panic("key1 should be expired")
} else {
fmt.Println("key1 expired")
vc2, ok := cache.Get("key2")
if ok {
fmt.Printf("key2 still alive: %s\n", vc2)
} else {
panic("key2 should still be alive")
// Delete a key from the cache