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vim script to quick view TOC (Table Of Contents) for any filetype

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vim script to quick view TOC (Table Of Contents) for any filetype

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how to use

  1. use Vundle or any other plugin manager you like to install

    Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimToc'
    Plugin 'othree/eregex.vim' " optional, for perl style regexp
    Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimTxtHighlight' " optional, for better fallback highlight
  2. use <leader>vt or :ZFToc to view a TOC

    • for configured filetype (see g:ZFToc_setting), TOC should show directly
      • to force use custom pattern, use <leader>zt or :ZFToc YourPattern, use :ZFTocReset to restore default config
    • for other filetype, you may use :ZFToc YourPattern to use custom pattern, we also bundled a default fallback for any filetypes, let g:ZFToc_setting['*']=xxx to supply your own config
    • for scripts, you may setup b:ZFToc_setting for buffer local setting
  3. use [[ or ]] to jump to prev/next title


the default keymap and the var to config:

let g:ZFTocKeymap_TOC='<leader>vt'
let g:ZFTocKeymap_TOCCustom='<leader>zt'
let g:ZFTocKeymap_prev='[['
let g:ZFTocKeymap_next=']]'

config your own filetype

by default, only markdown are explicitly configured, you may add config for your own filetype

let g:ZFToc_setting['markdown'] = {
            \     'titleRegExp' : {
            \         '*' : '^[ \t]*[#]+.*$',
            \     },
            \     'titleInfoGetter' : '',
            \     'titleLevelRegExpMatch' : '^[ \t]*([#]+).*$',
            \     'titleLevelRegExpReplace' : '\1',
            \     'titleNameRegExpMatch' : '^[ \t]*[#]+[ \t]*(<.*?>)?[ \t]*(.*?)[ \t]*(<.*?>)?[ \t]*$',
            \     'titleNameRegExpReplace' : '\2',
            \     'codeBlockBegin' : '^[ \t]*```.*$',
            \     'codeBlockEnd' : '^[ \t]*```[ \t]*$',
            \     'excludeRegExp' : {},
            \ }

for convenient, we also bundled a default fallback for any filetype, to list anything that looks like functions

" use `*` for any filetype, you may disable the default config by
"   g:ZFToc_fallback_enable = 0
let g:ZFToc_setting['*'] = {...}

" the default fallback is a little complex, see the source code for default value:
" also take care of `E872` and `E53`, see FAQ bellow


  • titleRegExp : required, regexp to match title, can be:

    • pattern string

    • a Dict or List contains each pattern for extra config, this is convenient for more than one impl to extend existing setting

      autocmd User ZFToc_event_configUpdate let g:ZFToc_setting['*']['titleRegExp']['MyExtraImpl'] = 'my fancy title'
  • titleInfoGetter : optional, function(title, line) to obtain title info to show in location window, if supplied, you should return a Dict that contains necessary info:

      'text' : 'the text to show in location window',
      'level' : 'the indent level of the title',

    or, you may use these patterns to convert the title:

    • titleLevelRegExpMatch and titleLevelRegExpReplace : optional, regexp to check title level, result should be any string, whose (length - 1) indicates the title's level
    • titleNameRegExpMatch and titleNameRegExpReplace : optional, regexp to convert title name to human readable one, empty to use the original matched line
  • codeBlockBegin and codeBlockEnd : optional, regexp to match code block, any contents inside the code block won't be considered as title, empty to disable this feature

  • excludeRegExp : optional, exclude lines that match this pattern, has same pattern rule with titleRegExp

about pattern regexp:

  • when othree/eregex.vim installed, we would use perl style regexp, instead of vim's builtin regexp, this can be disabled by let g:ZFVimToc_disableE2v = 1

additional settings

the TOC preview is a location list in fact (:h :lopen)

you may have these settings in your vimrc to make it more convenient:

augroup ZFToc_setting_augroup
    autocmd BufWinEnter quickfix
                \  nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :bd<cr>
                \| nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <leader>vt :bd<cr>
                \| nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <cr> <cr>:lclose<cr>
                \| nnoremap <buffer> <silent> o <cr>:lclose<cr>
                \| setlocal foldmethod=indent
augroup END


  • Q: Vim(lvimgrep):E872: (NFA regexp) Too many '('

    A: you would get this issue if the regex pattern contains too many groups ((abc) for example, see :h E53 for more info), the solution is replace it by \%(abc\)

    • to make life easier, the default impl has already performed \(abc\) to \%(abc\), but that leads \1 not work properly


vim script to quick view TOC (Table Of Contents) for any filetype







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