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A best practices approach to creating large web apps, with the goal of making flask feel more like django

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##Flask-XXL ####- A best practices approach to creating larger web apps with Flask, in an attempt to make Flask feel like it is as capable, if not more, than Django.

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to see this in a real world example take a look at my other projects Flask-Cms or Flask-Ide

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##What this provides:

  • Installable blueprints

    •   any blueprints listed in your settings under `BLUEPRINTS` will be imported and registered on your app and if that blueprint is a package any files it contains named `` or `` will be imported as well, so no more need to manualy import your views and models giving odd errors if you dont do it in the exact correct order!!

    • with a sqlalchemy compatible BaseMixin class
      • provides many useful CRUD operations, IE:, model.delete()
      • BaseMixin generates __tablename__ automaticlly
      • BaseMixin adds an auto incrementing id field, as the primary_key to each model
      • BaseMixin.session is current model classes session
      • BaseMixin.engine is the current db engine
      • BaseMixin.query is the models sqlalchemy query from its session
      • BaseMixin.get_all() -> function to return all of a model
      • BaseMixin.get(*args,**kwargs) -> get single model by attr values, mainly for id=x

    • with a BaseView class that is subclassed from Flask.views.MethodView to allow easy definition of view responses to get and post requests.
    • BaseView also has many builtin helpers/imports to speed development, ie:
      • BaseView.render() calls render_template(BaseView._template,**BaseView._context) easily define either or both in the class variable section of the class and then add,change/ w/e based on logic that happens during request processing. example:

        class ExampleView(BaseView):
            _context = {
            def get(self,new_flag=False):
                if new_flag:
                    self._context['new_flag'] = new_flag
                    self._context['some_flag'] = False
                return self.render()
      • BaseView.redirect(endpoint) is a reimplementation of flask.helpers.redirect which allows you to directly enter the endpoint, so you dont have to run it through url_for() first.

      • BaseView.get_env()
        returns the current jinja2_env
      • BaseView.form_validated()
        returns true if all forms validate
      • namespaces imported into BaseView: BaseView.flash == flask.flash

  • many builtin template globals(context_processors) to use. ie:

    -   get_block(block_id) <-- requires use of 
        *   add blocks of html/jinja2/template helpers into the db and access from within templates
            great for things like header navs or sidebar widgets
    -   get_icon(icon_name,icon_lib) <-- requires use of
        * comes with 8 icon librarys!!! 
            -   Glyphicon
            -   Font Awesome
            -   Mfg_Labs
            -   Elusive icons
            -   Genericons
            -  and more ... 
            access any icon anywhere in your templates! even from cms blocks!!!
    -   get_model(model_name,blueprint_name)
        * access any model class from any template (currently only supports sqlalchemy models)
    -   get_button(name) 
        * create buttons in the cms and access from within templates
  • AppFactory class with many hooks into settings file (makes use of settings file similar to django)

    • settings like:
  • new revamped url routing scheme, use a file in each blueprint to define the url routes for the blueprint. reference the blueprint and the url route module in the settings file to registar onto the app upon instantiation.

    define routes like this:


        from blueprint import blueprint
        from .views import ViewName,SecondView
        routes = [

    it basicly is like using app.add_url_rule() method, you just dont have to add view_func=ViewName.as_view(endpoint) or at least the view_func= part.

  • easily start a new project or extend an old one with the command line helper tool

    • to start a project from scratch $ start-project

    • to add to an existing project $ start-blueprint

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for more fun checkout the wiki


A best practices approach to creating large web apps, with the goal of making flask feel more like django






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  • Python 59.2%
  • HTML 40.8%