Notes and YAML files for CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator) certification.
Current objectives are listed here.
Exam is based on the latest minor version (x.y.z).
List of tasks and areas to be comfortable with before taking the exam.
- Define RBAC rules
- Upgrade a cluster, including kubelet and kubectl
- Back up and restore etcd
- Scale a Deployment
- Roll out and roll back Deployment updates
- Create ConfigMaps and Secrets, different sources and types
- Understand resource boundaries on scheduling (requests, limits)
- Manage objects with imperative and declarative approach
- Understand the purpose of a Service
- Understand the difference between
, andLoadBalancer
- Understand the difference between Service and Ingress
- Define and consume volumes
- Understand mechanics of defining and consuming a PersistentVolume
- Difference between static and dynamic provisioning of a PersistentVolume
- Understand logging on a theoretical level
- Understand accessing container logs
- Use a metrics server
- Troubleshoot applications
- Troubleshoot clusters
Exam allows access only to the kubernetes documentation.
Particularly useful pages:
Minimal ~/.vimrc
to make yaml editing easier in vim:
" Already set in exam
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set expandtab
Potentially useful aliases:
alias k='kubectl' # already available on exam
alias kr='kubectl run'
alias kc='kubectl create'
alias ka='kubectl apply'
alias kd='kubectl delete --force' # exam doesn't care about graceful termination
Avoid typing -o yaml --dry-run=client
each time you want to generate
example yaml.
export dry='-o yaml --dry-run=client'
k run nginx --image=nginx $dry > example.yaml # example