exposer is a go tool supported by uncover to perform query monitoring to different search engines, and storing results in Elasticsearch.
Dependencies • Installation • Installation with Docker • Usage • Running Exposer
exposer requires a running Elasticsearch cluster to work properly. Information required to establish communication should be specified in config.yaml
, or .env
if running exposer via docker-compose.
Uncover requires API keys to the different search engiens to be used. Exposer will not run until one API key is specified at least.
The provider configuration file should be located at $HOME/.config/uncover/provider-config.yaml
exposer requires go1.21 to install successfully. Run the following command to get the repo -
go install -v github.com/cheshireca7/exposer@latest
- Edit
with API keys for search engines. - Edit
file with the data regarding Elasticsearch communication, then move it to$HOME/.config/exposer/
. An example configuration file could be as follows:
URL: "localhost:9200"
USERNAME: "elastic"
PASSWORD: "elastic"
- If required, move the Elasticsearch CA to be at
. Otherwise, exposer will accept insecure certificates, but it is not recommended.
exposer has its own image that could be downloaded from Docker Hub
docker pull cheshireca7/exposer
- Edit
with API keys for search engines.
docker run -it exposer vim ~/.config/uncover/provider-config.yaml
- Edit
file with the data regarding Elasticsearch communication.
docker run -it exposer vim ~/.config/exposer/config.yaml
- Get the certificate from the elasticsearch container and upload it to the exposer container
docker cp es01:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/certs/http_ca.crt exposer:/root/.config/exposer/http_ca.crt
By running docker-compose, it will load a clear elasticsearch container, as well as exposer at once.
- Credentials for Elasticsearch communication should be set at
file, then rundocker-compose up -d
- Edit
with API keys for search engines.
exposer -h
docker run --net host -it exposer exposer -h
Default run just require a query
exposer -q 'ssl:hackerone.com'
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-- Monitor your favorite services exposed to the Internet 👀
[INF] Creating new index: 2023-09-26-13-56-10_uncover_results
[INF] Monitoring query: 'ssl:hackerone.com'
[INF] Number of entries stored: 4
- Interactive console to get more information about stored results
- Improve installation