I’m Chris Krycho—a follower of Christ, a husband, and a dad. I’m a software engineer by trade; a theologian by vocation; and a writer, runner, and composer by hobby.
I recently contributed new materials and a major revision to The Rust Programming Language book, including a new chapter on async programming in Rust and updates for the Rust 2024 Edition. Over the past half decade, I delivered top-notch TypeScript support for LinkedIn, including a spec for Semantic Versioning for TypeScript Types, and drove the Ember TypeScript roadmap and significant parts of Ember’s framework roadmap.
Previously, I cohosted and produced Winning Slowly, a podcast about technology, religion, ethics and art; and created New Rustacean, a podcast which taught tens of thousands of people the Rust programming language.
I am passionate about:
- programming languages and frameworks as tools for improving the reliability and usability of software
- theology proper and theological anthropology
- the intersection of Christian ethics and emerging technologies
You can sometimes find me on Bluesky, LinkedIn, and Mastodon—though only sometimes!—but I’m always happiest to receive email. I also occasionally write for Mere Orthodoxy.