Consume input, not memory.
This library is underdeveloped. API is not stable.
This library provides an implementation of the parser combinators.
Three different types of parser implementations exist:
- The base parser implementations contain the logic for parsing input and serve as the fundamental building blocks;
- The
provides methods to combine parsers and create new ones; - The
erases the type of the underlying parser and simplifies the parser's type declaration.
Every parser provides the type of the parsing result as a constant ResultType: type
offers two options for consuming data:
- parse the entire input string at once,
- or consume and parse byte by byte from
When the input is a reader, Parcom
works as a buffered reader. It reads few
bytes to the buffer and then parse them.
The result of parsing by any parser can be a value of type ResultType
in successful
case, or null
if parsing was failed. In successful case not whole input can be
consumed. If you have to be sure, that every byte was consumed and parsed, use the
parser explicitly.
Fetch Parcom
from github:
zig fetch --save git+
Check that it was added to the list of dependencies in your build.zig.zon
.dependencies = .{
.parcom = .{
.url = "git+",
.hash = "parcom-0.3.0-Hs8wfHFUAQBhhH-swYl1wrMLSh76uApvVzYBl56t90Ua",
Add Parcom
module to your build.zig
const parcom = b.dependency("parcom", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
exe.root_module.addImport("parcom", parcom.module("parcom"));
Let's create a parser, which will parse and execute a simple math expression with follow grammar:
# The `number` is a sequence of unsigned integer numbers
Number := [0-9]+
# The `value` is a `number` or an `expression` in brackets
Value := Number / '(' Expr ')'
# The `sum` is an operation of adding or substraction of two or more values
Sum := Value (('+' / '-') Value)*
# The `expression` is result of evaluation the combination of values and operations
Expr := evaluate(Sum)
Our parser will be capable of parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions that include addition and subtraction operations, unsigned integers, and nested expressions within brackets.
The number
from the grammar above is a sequence of symbols from the range ['0', '9'].
Parcom has a constructor of the parser of bytes in a range, but we will create
our own parser starting from the base parser AnyChar
. AnyChar
is a simplest
parser consumed the input. It returns the next byte from the input, or
if the input is empty.
To parse only numeric symbols we should provide a classifier - function that receives the result of a parser and returns true only if it is an expected value:
const parcom = @import("parcom");
// ResultType: u8
const num_char = parcom.anyChar().suchThat({}, struct {
fn condition(_: void, ch: u8) bool {
return switch (ch) {
'0' ... '9' => true,
else => false,
Every function required i combinators in Parcom
library has a context
That gives more flexibility for possible implementations of that functions.
Next, we should continue applying our parser until we encounter the first non-numeric symbol or reach the end of the input. To achieve this, we need to store the parsed results. The simplest solution is to use a sentinel array:
// ResultType: [10:0]u8
const number = num_char.repeatToSentinelArray(.{ .max_count = 10 });
But that option is available only for parsers with scalar result types. For more general cases a regular array can be used. If you know exact count of elements in the parsed sequence, you can specified it to have an array with exact length as result:
// ResultType: [3]u8
const number = num_char.repeatToArray(3);
However, this is a rare case. More often, the exact number of elements is unknown, but the maximum number can be estimated:
// ResultType: struct { [10]u8, usize }
const number = num_char.repeatToArray(.{ .max_count = 10 });
In such cases, the result is a tuple consisting of the array and a count of the parsed items within it.
For cases, when impossible to predict the maximum count we can allocate a slice to store the parsed results:
// ResultType: []u8
const number = num_char.repeat(allocator, .{});
// Don't forget to free the memory, allocated for the slice!
or use an arbitrary storage and a function to add an item to it:
var list = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);
defer list.deinit();
// ResultType: *std.ArrayList(u8)
const p = anyChar().repeatTo(&list, .{}, std.ArrayList(u8).append);
Notice, that no matter which combinator you use to collected repeated numbers,
you have to set the .min_count
to 1, because of empty collection of chars is
not a number!
// ResultType: []u8
const number = num_char.repeat(allocator, .{ .min_count = 1 });
All repeated combinators except the repeatToArray(usize)
receive the RepeatOptions
a structure with minimum and maximum counts of the elements in the sequence. All
parsers stop when reach the maximum count and fail if don't reach the minimum.
We'll postpone the value
parser for now, and instead of that will focus on
creating a parsers for the '+' and '-' symbols.
// ResultType: i32
const value: ParserCombinator(???) = ???;
First of all, we should be able to parse every symbol separately. The char
parser is the best candidate for it:
const plus = parcom.char('+');
const minus = parcom.char('-');
Next, we have to choose one of them. To accomplish this, let's combine parsers to a new one, that first attempt one, and if it fails, it will try the other:
// ResultType: parcom.Either(u8, u8)
const plus_or_minus = plus.orElse(minus);
The result type of the new parser is parcom.Either(L, R)
, an alias for
union(enum) { left: L, right: R }
We have a parser for operations and we assume that we have a parser for
values as well. This is sufficient to build the Sum
parser, which, as you
may recall, follows this structure:
Sum := Value (('+' / '-') Value)*
Let's start from the part in brackets. We have to combine the plus_or_minus
with value
parser and repeat result:
// ResultType: []struct{ parcom.Either(u8, u8), i32 }
plus_or_minus.andThen(value).repeat(allocator, .{});
The andThen
combinator runs the left parser and then the right. If both
parsers were successful, it returns a tuple of results. Finally, we can combine
the value with the new parser to have the version of the expression
parser that follows the grammar:
// ResultType: struct{ i32, []struct{ parcom.Either(u8, u8), i32 } }
const sum = value.andThen(plus_or_minus.andThen(value).repeat(allocator, .{}));
So far so good. We are ready to create a parser that will not only parse the input, but also sum of parsed values:
const expr = sum.transform(i32, {}, struct {
fn evaluate(_: void, value: struct{ i32, []struct{ Either(u8, u8), i32 } }) !i32 {
var result: i32 = value[0];
for (value[1]) |op_and_arg| {
switch(op_and_arg[0]) {
.left => result += op_and_arg[1],
.right => result -= op_and_arg[1],
return result;
The combinator transform
requires a context and a function for transformation. It
runs the left parser and applies the function to the parsed result.
Now the time to build the value
Value := Number / '(' Expr ')'
This is a recursive parser that not only forms part of the expression
parser but
also depends on it. How we can implement this? First of all, let's wrap the
parser to the function:
const std = @import("std");
const parcom = @import("parcom");
fn expression(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) ??? {
// ResultType: u8
const num_char = parcom.anyChar().suchThat({}, struct {
fn condition(_: void, ch: u8) bool {
return switch (ch) {
'0' ... '9' => true,
else => false,
// ResultType: i32
const number = num_char.repeat(allocator, .{ .min_count = 1 }).transform(i32, {}, struct {
fn parseInt(_: void, value: []u8) !i32 {
return try std.fmt.parseInt(i32, value, 10);
// ResultType: i32
const value = ???;
// ResultType: parcom.Either(u8, u8)
const plus_or_minus = parcom.char('+').orElse(parcom.char('-'));
// ResultType: struct{ i32, []struct{ parcom.Either(u8, u8), i32 } }
const sum = value.andThen(plus_or_minus.andThen(value).repeat(allocator, .{}));
const expr = sum.transform(i32, {}, struct {
fn evaluate(_: void, v: struct{ i32, []struct{ parcom.Either(u8, u8), i32 } }) !i32 {
var result: i32 = v[0];
for (v[1]) |op_and_arg| {
switch(op_and_arg[0]) {
.left => result += op_and_arg[1],
.right => result -= op_and_arg[1],
return result;
return expr;
The type of ParserCombinator
in Parcom
can be very cumbersome, and it is
often impractical to manually declare it as a function's type. However, Zig
requires this type to allocate enough memory for the parser instance.
While most parsers in Parcom
are simply namespaces, this is not true for all
of them. What can we do is moving our parser to heap and replace particular type
by the pointer to it. This is exactly how the TaggedParser
works. It has a
pointer to the original parser, and a pointer to a function responsible for
parsing the input. More over, the TaggedParser
has explicit ResultType
const std = @import("std");
const parcom = @import("parcom");
fn expression(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) parcom.TaggedParser(i32) {
return expr.taggedAllocated(allocator);
Let's go ahead and finally build the value
const value = number.orElse(
Pay attention on rightThen
and leftThen
combinators. Unlike the andThen
combinator, these two do not produce a tuple. Instead, they ignore one value and
return another. The rightThen
uses only result of the right parser, and
of the left parser respectively. It means, that both brackets will be
parsed, but ignored in the example above.
But this is not all. Unfortunately, such implementation of the value
parser will lead to infinite loop of invocations the expression
function. We
can solve this by invoking the function only when we need to parse an expression
within brackets. The Parcom
has the deferred
parser for such purposes.
It receives the ResultType
of TaggedParser
which should be returned by the function,
a context that should be passed to the function and pointer to the function:
const value = number.orElse(
parcom.char('(').rightThen(parcom.deferred(i32, allocator, expression)).leftThen(parcom.char(')'))
When the tagged parsed completes its deferred work, the deinit
method will be
invoked, and memory will be freed. But, do not forget to invoke deinit
manually, when you create the TaggedParser
outside the deferred
Complete solution
const std = @import("std");
const parcom = @import("parcom");
fn expression(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !parcom.TaggedParser(i32) {
// ResultType: u8
const num_char = parcom.anyChar().suchThat({}, struct {
fn condition(_: void, ch: u8) bool {
return switch (ch) {
'0' ... '9' => true,
else => false,
// ResultType: i32
const number = num_char.repeat(allocator, .{ .min_count = 1 }).transform(i32, {}, struct {
fn parseInt(_: void, value: []u8) !i32 {
return try std.fmt.parseInt(i32, value, 10);
// ResultType: i32
const value = number.orElse(
parcom.char('(').rightThen(parcom.deferred(i32, allocator, expression)).leftThen(parcom.char(')'))
.transform(i32, {}, struct {
fn getFromEither(_: void, v: parcom.Either(i32, i32)) !i32 {
return switch (v) {
.left => v.left,
.right => v.right,
// ResultType: parcom.Either(u8, u8)
const plus_or_minus = parcom.char('+').orElse(parcom.char('-'));
// ResultType: struct{ i32, []struct{ parcom.Either(u8, u8), i32 } }
const sum = value.andThen(plus_or_minus.andThen(value).repeat(allocator, .{}));
// ResultType: i32
const expr = sum.transform(i32, {}, struct {
fn evaluate(_: void, v: struct{ i32, []struct{ parcom.Either(u8, u8), i32 } }) !i32 {
var result: i32 = v[0];
for (v[1]) |op_and_arg| {
switch(op_and_arg[0]) {
.left => result += op_and_arg[1],
.right => result -= op_and_arg[1],
return result;
return expr.taggedAllocated(allocator);
test "9-(5+2) == 2" {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const parser = try expression(arena.allocator());
try std.testing.expectEqual(2, try parser.parseString("9-(5+2)"));
In some cases it is reasonable not to consume the entire input to the string, and
instead parse it on-the-fly. For such cases, the Parcom
library provides the
method, which takes a
as the input. During the
parsing, all consumed bytes are stored in an internal buffer to make it possible
to rollback the input and try another parser (such as with the orElse
While this approach may lead to the same result as reading the whole input to the string,
rollback may not make sense for some parsers. For example, when parsing JSON,
encountering the '{' symbol means the entire JObject must be parsed. If parsing
cannot proceed, it indicates that the input is malformed, and all parsers will
failed. It means, that the input can be cropped right before the '{' symbol.
In the example above can be reasonable to cut the input when the left brace is parsed:
const value = number.orElse(
parcom.char('(').cut().rightThen(parcom.deferred(i32, allocator, expression)).leftThen(parcom.char(')'))
// added this ^
Cropping the input, when possible, can significantly reduce required memory and may improve the speed of parsing. See this example for more details.
When something is going wrong during the parsing, and a correct at first glance
parser returns null, it can be difficult to understand the root cause without
additional insights. In Parcom
you can turn on logging for any particular
parser to see how it works during the parsing. For example, let's turn on
logging for the expression parser from the example above (with added cut
return expr.logged(.{ .label = "EXPR", .scope = .example }).taggedAllocated(allocator);
and run it on a string with unexpected symbol '!':
test "parse unexpected symbol" {
// don't forget to turn on debug level for the test
std.testing.log_level = .debug;
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.testing.allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const parser = try expression(arena.allocator());
try std.testing.expectEqual(2, try parser.parseString("9-(!5+2)"));
Now, we have enough insights to understand what happened and where it occurred:
error: 'expression.test.parse unexpected symbol' failed: [example] (debug):
The parsing by the <EXPR> has been started from position 0:
[example] (debug):
The parsing by the <EXPR> has been started from position 3:
[example] (debug): The parsing is failed at position 3:
[example] (debug): End parsing by the <EXPR>. Cut 3 items during the parsing process.
[parcom] (warn): Imposible to reset the input from 3 to 2 at position 3:
[example] (debug): An error error.ResetImposible occured on parsing by <EXPR> at position 3:
[example] (debug): End parsing by the <EXPR>. Cut 3 items during the parsing process.