Build performant 3D user interfaces for Three.js using @react-three/fiber and yoga
- higher performance (GPU + CPU)
- no suspense (similarly to html/css images and texts don't suspend)
- objects are nested for correct event propagation
- no default animations
- complete freedom to use R3F inside of UI => ...
- better scroll experiences (scrollbar + overscroll)
- overall DX improvements (hover, responsive, ...)
TODO Release
- feat: nesting inside non root/container components (e.g. image)
- feat: support more characters for different languages
- fix: always loading normal font
- fix: scrollbar border radius to high (happens with very long panels)
- feat: drag/click threshold
- feat: cli for kits
- feat: add apfel components
- feat: Content "measureContent" flag => allow disabling content measuring and scaling
- feat: support for visibility="hidden"
- feat: input
- fix: decrease clipping rect when scrollbar present
TODO Later
- on demand rendering to save battery for UI only apps / rendering to render targets
- upgrade to yoga2.0
- virtual lists (support thousands of elements in a list by using fixed sizes and not using yoga)
- option to render to seperate render targets depending on element type (e.g. render text to high quality quad layer for WebXR)
- scrollIntoView
- tailwind colors (with option to support dark mode)
- Instancing for icons
- nested clipping with rotation in z-axis (the clipping area can become more complex than a rectangle)
pnpm install
pnpm -r inline-wasm
pnpm -r convert
pnpm -r generate
pnpm -r build
go to examples/dashboard
and run pnpm dev
to view the example dashboard