Save Squad lets you team up with friends to save towards a common goal—and earn something extra along the way! Whether it's getting to Devcon, throwing an epic birthday party, or snagging that pilot license, set a squad target amount and keep each other on track. The best part? Your contributions are pooled together and staked, growing your savings over time. At the end of your set period, everyone gets their share of the rewards!
- Create Your Squad: Start by setting up the squad and defining the goal, squad size, contribution amounts, frequency, and due date.
- Invite Your Crew: Bring in your friends and start contributing. Stay on track to maximize your rewards—being late could mean a deduction in your prize!
- Reap the Rewards: At the end, each member gets their savings plus a share of the staking rewards. Then, let the fun begin!
The platform operates through a smart contract on Rootstock, which manages the creation of pools, deposits, and withdrawals. This contract also interfaces with the staking protocol to deposit pooled tokens.
SaveSquad utilizes Warp Routes by Hyperlane to swap USDC from multiple chains to wUSDC on Rootstock, ensuring seamless interaction within the platform.
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