A repository of cheatsheets for Modules/Courses taken in previous (and current) AYs.
Do drop me a message if there are any errors or mistakes. Additionally, do peruse at your own discretion.
AY22/23 S2
- CS2030S Prog. Methodology II
- CS2040S Data Structures & Algorithms
- MA1521 Calculus for Computing
- IS2238 Economics of IT and AI
- GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with Data
AY23/24 S1
- CS2100 Computer Organisation
- CS2102 Database Systems
- CS2105 Computer Networks
- CS3241 Computer Graphics
- ST2334 Probability and Statistics
AY23/24 S2
- CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems
- CS2107 Introudction to Information Security
- CS3223 Database Systems Implementation
AY24/25 S2
- IS1128 IT, Management and Organisation
- CS2109S Introduction to AI and Machine Learning
- CS3213 Foundations of Software Engineering