is a tiny library to make your outputs, logs, and __str__()
representations slightly more beautiful.
It offers simple but general functions for formatting and abbreviating objects and dataclasses, dicts, words and phrases, filenames, titles, long strings, timestamps, ages, and sizes.
It won't bloat your project.
It's <500 lines of code with just two dependencies:
# Use pip
pip install prettyfmt
# Or poetry
poetry add prettyfmt
See pydoc for details on all functions.
from prettyfmt import *
# Simple abbreviations of objects:
abbrev_obj({"a": "very " * 100 + "long", "b": 23})
# -> "{a='very very very very very very very very very very very very ver…', b=23}"
abbrev_obj(["word " * i for i in range(10)], field_max_len=10, list_max_len=4)
# -> "['', 'word ', 'word word ', 'word word…', …]"
# Abbreviate by character length.
abbrev_str("very " * 100 + "long", 32)
# -> 'very very very very very very v…'
# Abbreviate by character length but don't break words.
abbrev_on_words("very " * 100 + "long", 30)
# -> 'very very very very very very…'
# My favorite, abbreviate but don't break words and keep a few words
# on the end since they might be useful.
abbrev_phrase_in_middle("very " * 100 + "long", 40)
# -> 'very very very very … very very very long'
# This makes it very handy for cleaning up document titles.
ugly_title = "A Very\tVery Very Needlessly Long {Strange} Document Title [final edited draft23]"
# -> sanitize_title(ugly_title)
'A Very Very Very Needlessly Long Strange Document Title final edited draft23'
# -> 'A Very Very Very Needlessly Long Strange … final edited draft23'
# Then you can slugify to get nice filenames or URLs.
from slugify import slugify
# -> 'a-very-very-very-needlessly-long-strange-final-edited-draft23'
# Formatting durations. Good for logging runtimes:
# -> '3s'
# -> '333ms'
# -> '33.33ms'
# -> '3.33ms'
# -> '333µs'
# -> '33µs'
# -> '39d'
# Ages in seconds or deltas.
# Note we use a sensible single numeral to keep things brief, e.g.
# "33 days ago" and not the messier "1 month and 3 days ago".
# This is important in file listings, etc, where we want to optimize
# for space and legibility.
fmt_age(60 * 60 * 24 * 33)
# -> '33 days ago'
fmt_age(60 * 60 * 24 * 33, brief=True)
# -> '33d ago'
# Sizes
# -> '11.4M'
# -> '11.4M (12000000 bytes)'
# Helpful making __str__() methods or printing output:
fmt_words("Hello", None, "", "world!")
# -> 'Hello world!'
fmt_paras(fmt_words("Hello", "world!"), "", "Goodbye.")
# -> 'Hello world!\n\nGoodbye.'
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
# Example of `abbrev_obj` to customize __str__().
# Allows sorting and truncating based on key and value.
class MyThing:
file_path: Path
title: str
url: str
body: str
def __str__(self) -> str:
return abbrev_obj(
# Put an abbreviated title first, then the file path, then the url.
# The `body` field will be omitted.
"title": 64,
"file_path": 0,
"url": 128,
str(MyThing(file_path="/tmp/file.txt", title="Something" + "blah " * 50, url="", body="..."))
# -> "MyThing(title='Somethingblah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah…', file_path=/tmp/file.txt, url="
This project was built from simple-modern-uv.