BAN AI Systems
- https://keybase.io/trnsz
jleveldb Public
jleveldb: JLevelDB is an implementation of the LevelDB key/value database in the Go programming language, based on GoLevelDB
opendnsmyip Public
Forked from polera/publicipopendnsmyip: A Go package to return the public-facing IPv4 address of the client (by querying the Cisco OpenDNS servers)
misc-scripts Public
Forked from adamhotep/misc-scripts[PR use only] miscellaneous scripts, mostly for the GNU/Linux command line
gfpsgo Public
gfpsgo: Fork of psgo, an IBM AIX-compatible ps(1) utility (and Go library) extended with various descriptors useful for displaying container-related data on Linux
gfcptun Public
gfcptun: A fast and low-latency tunnel using GFCP over UDP
gfcp Public
Forked from l0k18/kcp9gfcp: A high-performance variant of KCP for Go
jleveldb-bench Public
Forked from rjl493456442/goleveldb-benchjleveldb-bench: GoLevelDB-Bench for JLevelDB (forked from https://github.com/rjl493456442/goleveldb-bench)
duma Public
duma: Detect Unintended Memory Access (D.U.M.A.) - A Red-Zone memory allocator
g Public
g: A portable general purpose programmable text editor with calculator and macro facility.
nulib Public
nulib: NuLib NuFile eXchange (NuFX) Archive Utility (for ShrinkIt/BinaryII/NuFX)
pcc-revived Public
Forked from arnoldrobbins/pcc-revivedMirror of PCC project's CVS repositories
ynetd Public
ynetd: a small (< 400 lines of C) server for binding programs to TCP ports
bvi-lf Public archive
Forked from koeppl/bvibvi-lf: bvi editor for binary files (hex editor) with large-file support [personal fork] - Use https://github.com/buergmann/bvi as it now has these fixes!
libuv Public
Forked from libuv/libuvCross-platform asynchronous I/O
ministat Public
Forked from leahneukirchen/ministat[PR USE ONLY] A small tool to do the statistics legwork on benchmarks etc.
[PR USE ONLY] Simple x86 and DOS emulator for the Linux terminal.
dotfiles Public
dotfiles: These are my dotfiles. There are many like them, but these are mine.
supdup Public
Forked from PDP-10/supdup[PR USE ONLY] Community maintained SUPDUP client for Unix
build-djgpp Public
Forked from andrewwutw/build-djgppBuild DJGPP cross compiler and binutils on Windows (MinGW/Cygwin), Mac OSX and Linux [for PRs only]
gfsmux Public
gfsmux: Efficient stream multiplexing for Go
leaktestfe Public
leaktestfe: A convenience library and front-end for Uber's goleak
OpenVi Public
OpenVi: Portable OpenBSD vi for UNIX systems
homebrew-core Public
Forked from Homebrew/homebrew-core[DO NOT USE - FOR PR ONLY]
voof Public
voof: Mike Gleason's LZRW3-A / LZRW1-A compression / decompression tool.
yabbawhap Public
yabbawhap: djb's yabba / unyabba & whap / unwhap, portable implementations of Y & AP coding.