Lists (11)
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A Kubernetes controller to watch changes in ConfigMap and Secrets and do rolling upgrades on Pods with their associated Deployment, StatefulSet, DaemonSet and DeploymentConfig – [✩Star] if you're u…
Instant is a modern Firebase. We make you productive by giving your frontend a real-time database.
A fast, modern package manager for Static Binaries, Portable Formats (AppImage|AppBundle|FlatImage|Runimage) & More [maintainer=@QaidVoid]
Set of preconfigured snippets for different languages.
Library of 40+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim (version 0.8 and higher) experience with minimal effort
💥 Create key bindings that stick. WhichKey helps you remember your Neovim keymaps, by showing available keybindings in a popup as you type.
Extension to mason.nvim that makes it easier to use lspconfig with mason.nvim.
A neovim lua plugin to help easily manage multiple terminal windows
Neovim plugin to manage the file system and other tree like structures.
Lightweight yet powerful formatter plugin for Neovim
Portable package manager for Neovim that runs everywhere Neovim runs. Easily install and manage LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters.
dadbod.vim: Modern database interface for Vim
🧠 Smart, seamless, directional navigation and resizing of Neovim + terminal multiplexer splits. Supports tmux, Wezterm, and Kitty. Think about splits in terms of "up/down/left/right".
🗺️ A legend for your keymaps, commands, and autocmds, integrates with which-key.nvim, lazy.nvim, and more.
nvim-cmp source for neovim builtin LSP client
Free, ultrafast Copilot alternative for Vim and Neovim
Open-source Auth0/Clerk alternative
A starting point to setup some lsp related features in neovim.
Provides Nerd Font icons (glyphs) for use by neovim plugins
ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore