Tags: kittydoor/flash
Merge pull request hypriot#162 from hypriot/set-time set fake-hwclock
Merge pull request hypriot#161 from hypriot/check-wsl2 Check for WSL2
Merge pull request hypriot#140 from hypriot/add-yaml-validate-for-mac Add yaml validate for mac
Merge pull request hypriot#124 from tMatSuZ/118-missing-dev-prefix-in… …-autodetect-device-linux [hypriot#118]Change block device with path for Linux OS
Merge pull request hypriot#126 from hypriot/add-version WIP: Add --version option
Merge pull request hypriot#107 from lhernanz/feature/only-config Create a new switch for configuring an already deployed image
Merge pull request hypriot#19 from hypriot/add-bootconf-to-mac Ported --bootconf to Mac