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traf ๐Ÿš€

Avoid unnecessary builds, tests, lint and more in your monorepo CI. Optimize your development process by intelligently finding affected dependencies and selectively triggering builds and tests only when needed.


CI pipeline runtime is a precious resource, and in order to keep it as short as possible, we need to run only the necessary builds, tests, etc..

The way Nx affected algorithm works is by finding all changed projects in the current branch by file path and return the "affected" projects by the dependency graph.

This is not always accurate, as a change in a file can be a simple change in a comment, or a change in a function that is not used by a dependant project.

In Lemonade we have several big monorepos with complex dep graph, and we found that the affected algorithm causes us to run unnecessary tasks, which increases the CI runtime and slows down the development process.

This is where true affected comes in. It will find the affected projects by lines changes in the current branch. image



A library that finds affected projects in a monorepo, based on the changed lines in the current branch.


npm install @traf/core


import { trueAffected } = from '@traf/core';

const affected = await trueAffected({
  rootTsConfig: 'tsconfig.base.json',
  projects: [
      name: 'proj1',
      sourceRoot: '<project source>',
      tsConfig: '<project source>/tsconfig.json',
    // ...


Option Type Description Default
rootTsConfig string The path to the root tsconfig file
projects Project[] An array of projects to check
cwd string The current working directory
base string The base branch to compare against origin/main
includeFiles string[] File names to include that are not part of tsconfig

rootTsConfig - The path to the root tsconfig file, should include the paths prop with all projects mapping so ts-morph can find the references.


Option Type Description
name string The project name
sourceRoot string The project source root
tsConfig string The project tsconfig file (should only include the project files)
implicitDependencies string[] An array of implicit dependencies

How it works?

The algorithm is based on the following steps:

  1. Using git to find all changed lines in the current branch.
  2. Using ts-morph to find the changed element (function, class, const etc..) per line.
  3. Using ts-morph findReferences to find all references to the changed element recursively.
  4. For each reference, find the project that contains the reference and add it to the affected projects list.


A cli tool that wraps @traf/core to be used with Nx.

Will automatically find all projects in the nx workspace.


npx @traf/nx@latest affected <action> [options]


Option Description Default
--cwd The current working directory process.cwd()
--base The base branch to compare against origin/main
--all Outputs all available projects regardless of changes false
--tsConfigFilePath The path to the root tsconfig file tsconfig.base.json
--action The action to perform. Can be any command log
--json Output the result as JSON false
--includeFiles Comma separated list of glob patterns to include (relative to projects' source root)


A cli tool that wraps @traf/core to be used with turborepo.

Will automatically find all projects in the workspace.


npx @traf/turbo@latest affected <action> [options]


Option Description Default
--cwd The current working directory process.cwd()
--base The base branch to compare against origin/main
--action The action to perform. Can be any command log
--json Output the result as JSON false