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A minimal pastebin with a design shamelessly copied from bin.

DEMO (resets every day)

You are reading the documentation for an unreleased version. You can refer to earlier versions here:

2.7.1 β€’ 3.0.0


  • axum and sqlite3 backend
  • comes as a single binary with low memory footprint
  • compresses pastes using zstd
  • highlights entries with syntect
  • has seven color themes in light and dark mode
  • encrypts entries using ChaCha20Poly1305 and argon2 hashed passwords
  • allows deletion after expiration, after reading or by anonymous owners
  • shows QR code to browse a paste's URL on mobile devices


  • user authentication and admin functionality
  • arbitrary file uploads
  • mitigations for all kinds of DoS attack vectors


Run pre-built binaries

You can download pre-built, statically compiled Linux binaries. After extraction run the contained wastebin binary.

Run a Docker image

Alternatively, you can run a pre-built Docker image pushed to quxfoo/wastebin. To persist the database as state.db via the WASTEBIN_DATABASE_PATH environment variable use a bind mount to /path/for/storage like this

docker run -e WASTEBIN_DATABASE_PATH=/data/state.db -v /path/for/storage:/data quxfoo/wastebin:latest


The image is based on scratch which means it neither comes with a shell nor with TMPDIR being set. If database migrations fail with an extended sqlite error code 6410, pass TMPDIR pointing to a location sqlite can write to.

Run with docker-compose

    restart: always
      - WASTEBIN_DATABASE_PATH=/data/state.db
      - "8088:8088"
      - './data:/data'
    image: 'quxfoo/wastebin:latest'

Make sure the ./data folder is writable by the user 10001.

Run with Nix

For Nix users, a flake.nix is also provided. Build and execute it directly with:

nix run 'github:matze/wastebin#wastebin'

Or install the provided wastebin package like you normally would.

Build from source

Install a Rust 2024 toolchain containing Rust 1.85 with rustup and run the server binary with

cargo run --release

Build a container image

It is possible to build a container image using Docker or Podman. Assuming you are in the root directory of the repository run

# Docker
sudo docker build -t wastebin:v3.0.0 -f Dockerfile .

# Podman
podman build -t wastebin:v3.0.0 -f Dockerfile

To cross-compile, make sure that your container engine of choice supports it, e.g. Docker:

sudo docker buildx ls
default*      docker
 \_ default    \_ default       running   v0.14.1    linux/amd64, linux/amd64/v2, linux/386, linux/arm64, linux/riscv64, linux/ppc64, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x, linux/mips64le, linux/mips64, linux/loong64, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6

To build an arm64 image on an x86_64 host run

# Docker
sudo docker build --platform linux/arm64 -t wastebin:v3.0.0-arm64 -f Dockerfile.arm .

# Podman
podman build --arch=arm64 -t wastebin:v3.0.0-arm64 -f Dockerfile.arm


Browser interface

When viewing a paste, you can use

  • r to view the raw paste,
  • n to go the index page,
  • y to copy the current URL to the clipboard,
  • c to copy the content to the clipboard,
  • q to display the current URL as a QR code,
  • p to view the formatted paste and
  • ? to view the list of keybindings.

To paste some text you can also use the ctrl+s key combination.


The following environment variables can be set to configure the server and run-time behavior:

Variable Description Default
WASTEBIN_ADDRESS_PORT Address and port to bind the server to.
WASTEBIN_BASE_URL Base URL for the QR code display.
WASTEBIN_CACHE_SIZE Number of rendered items to cache. Disable with 0. 128
WASTEBIN_DATABASE_PATH Path to the sqlite3 database file. :memory:
WASTEBIN_HTTP_TIMEOUT Maximum number of seconds a request is processed until wastebin responds with 408. 5
WASTEBIN_MAX_BODY_SIZE Number of bytes to accept for POST requests. 1048576, i.e. 1 MB
WASTEBIN_PASSWORD_SALT Salt used to hash user passwords used for encrypting pastes. somesalt
WASTEBIN_PASTE_EXPIRATIONS Possible paste expirations as a comma-separated list of seconds. Appending =d to one of the value makes it the default selection. see here
WASTEBIN_SIGNING_KEY Key to sign cookies. Must be at least 64 bytes long. Random key generated at startup, i.e. cookies will become invalid after restarts and paste creators will not be able to delete their pastes.
WASTEBIN_THEME Theme colors, one of ayu, base16ocean, coldark, gruvbox, monokai, onehalf, solarized. ayu
WASTEBIN_TITLE HTML page title. wastebin
RUST_LOG Log level. Besides the typical trace, debug, info etc. keys, you can also set the tower_http key to a log level to get additional request and response logs.

API endpoints

POST a new paste to the / endpoint with the following JSON payload:

  "text": "<paste content>",
  "extension": "<file extension, optional>",
  "title": "<paste title, optional>",
  "expires": <number of seconds from now, optional>,
  "burn_after_reading": <true/false, optional>,
  "password": <password for encryption optional>,

After successful insertion, you will receive a JSON response with the path to the newly created paste:


To retrieve the raw content, make a GET request on the /raw/:id route. In case the paste was encrypted, pass the password via the wastebin-password header.

To delete a paste, make a DELETE request on the /:id route with the uid cookie set that was sent back in the Set-Cookie header of the redirect response after creation.

wastebin-ctl command line tool

wastebin-ctl is a command line tool to interact directly with the wastebin database. It can be used to list all entries or purge entries which have expired. To specify the database either use the --database option or set the WASTEBIN_DATABASE_PATH environment variable as usual.

Paste from neovim

Use the wastebin.nvim plugin and paste the current buffer or selection with :WastePaste.

Paste from clipboard

To paste clipboard data from the command line you can use the aforementioned API calls together with xclip, curl and jq. Define the following function in your .bashrc and you are good to go:

function paste_from_clipboard() {
    local URL=$(\
        jq -n --arg t "$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)" '{text: $t}' | \
            curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary @- https://wastebin.tld/api | \
            jq -r '. | "https://wastebin.tld\(.path)"')

    xdg-open $URL

Paste from stdin

To paste from stdin use the following function in your .bashrc:

function paste_from_stdin() {
    jq -Rns '{text: inputs}' | \
        curl  -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary @- https://wastebin.tld/api | \
        jq -r '. | "wastebin.tld\(.path)"'

It can be handy for creating pastes from logs or the output of commands, e.g. cat file.log | paste_from_stdin.
