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MARS - Custom DWM Configuration

Inspired by Luke Smith's LARBS, this setup focuses on efficiency, keyboard-driven workflow, and customization. Below is a brief guide to the key features and patches included in my custom build of the Dynamic Window Manager (DWM).

Key Features

  • Keyboard-Centric Workflow: Capslock remapped to Escape for easier Vim navigation.
  • Minimal & Efficient: Designed to be lightweight and fast, with small terminal-based programs.
  • Custom Status Bar: A colorful, functional status bar powered by dwmblocks and status2d.
  • Highly Customizable: Everything from keybindings to asthetic can be modified in config files.

Essential Keybindings

Application Key Binding
Launch Terminal Mod+Enter
Kill Window Mod+q
Toggle Fullscreen Mod+f
Switch Window Layout Mod+Space
Cycle Layouts Mod+Alt+comma / Mod+Alt+period
Scratchpads Mod+u / Mod+a

Patched Features

Patch Description
XRDB Reads colors from .Xresources at runtime, allowing dynamic theme changes.
Status2D Enables colored text and shapes in the status bar for a more dynamic look.
Status2D-xrdb Allows colors from .Xresources to be applied to the status bar, (used by pywal).
StatusCMD Enables interaction with status bar elements, passing mouse clicks to dwmblocks.
Titlecolor Allows independent color schemes for window titles in the status bar.
PerTag Retains layout, master window factor, and bar position for each tag.
PreserveOnRestart Maintains window tags across DWM restarts.
RestartSig Restart DWM with (Mod+Shift+Q) combination or (kill -HUP dwmpid) command.
Movestack Enables moving windows up and down the stack.
CycleLayouts Allows cycling through layouts using key combinations.
Scratchpads Multiple floating or tiled scratchpads for quick access to specific applications.
Fullscreen Switches to fullscreen mode, hiding the status bar.
RemoveBorder Automatically removes borders when only one window is visible.
Vanitygaps Adds customizable gaps between windows for aesthetic spacing.

Installation & Customization

All keybindings and patches are managed through the config.h file. For more advanced configurations (like changing status bar modules), simply modify the relevant scripts located in ~/.local/bin/statusbar/.

To recompile DWM with your custom settings, run:

sudo make clean install

For a full list of keybindings and additional features, refer to the documentation available via Mod+F1.

Patching DWM

To apply or modify patches:

  1. Download the desired patch from
  2. Apply the patch to your DWM source with patch -p1 < patch.diff.
  3. Modify the config.h file to integrate the patch.
  4. Recompile DWM with make clean install.


Credit goes to Luke Smith's custom configuration and the original authors of DWM.


Minimalist dynamic window manager for Linux







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