TextStatz is a lightweight text file analyzer. It is useful for getting fiel content stats quickly.
currently only avaiable on Linux (unless compiled on Windows and MacOS using Premake)
More options coming soon
git clone https://github.com/VilliasDev/txtz.git # Clone the repository
cd txtz
./premake5 gmake # Generate build files using premake5
cd build
make config=release # Build the project
# OPTIONAL (But recommended): Move the binary to a directory included in the
# system's PATH
cd ..
cd bin
cd Release
sudo mv txtz /usr/local/bin/
rm /usr/local/bin/txtz
~txtz file.txt #works with other file types too
Filename: file.txt
Filetype: txt
Filesize: 49 bytes
Lines: 1
Words: 6
Characters: 22
*Analyzes the file and returns the file info *