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Releases: nmap/npcap

Npcap 1.81 and SDK 1.15

20 Feb 22:34
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Installer and debug symbols available at . Additionally, version 1.15 of the Npcap SDK is also now available.

  • Added complete capture support for 802.1q VLAN packets. The 802.1q frame tag
    is usually stripped by NDIS before Npcap encounters it, but Npcap will now
    restore it from the packet metadata if the VLAN ID is not 0. Filtering with the
    "vlan" keyword is also now supported on live captures. The deprecated
    /vlan_support installer option has no impact on this feature. Fixes #171.

  • Added support for sending 802.1q VLAN packets. Ethernet frames passed to pcap_sendpacket() or
    pcap_inject() with 802.1q VLAN tags will have those tags converted to NDIS metadata, and the
    NDIS stack will process them appropriately. The adapter must be configured to allow traffic on the
    target VLAN.

  • Significantly streamlined packet sending operations, especially for pcap_sendqueue(), removing
    unnecessary copying of packet data. Fixes #555.

  • Fixed an issue with the installer where the appropriate code-signing certificates for the
    /prior_driver=yes option were not installed on Windows 7, 8, and 8.1. This could lead to failed
    installations on those versions of Windows.

  • Fixed a layout issue in the installer that prevented the full warning from
    being displayed when a Win10Pcap installation is detected. Win10Pcap hasn’t been actively
    maintained since 2015, and we recommend uninstalling it before installing Npcap.

  • Npcap now supports the BPF_MOD and BPF_XOR instructions. Previously, pcap
    filter expressions using the % and ^ operators would result in
    less-efficient user-mode filtering.

  • The Npcap driver now supports a range of NDIS versions depending on what is
    available at runtime. This will allow us to support newer features like URO
    and hardware timestamping when available, without needing to have separate
    builds for each NDIS version at install time.

Npcap 1.80

16 Sep 23:24
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Installer and debug symbols available at

  • On ARM64, Npcap now installs ARM64X pure-forwarder DLLs so that Npcap can be used by x86_64
    processes running under emulation as well as x86 and ARM64 processes. Programmers do not need to
    make any special changes to take advantage of this feature. Fixes #585.

  • Npcap now supports packet capture on SR-IOV virtual function adapters directly. Some
    manufacturers, such as Intel, were already supported because they use a separate miniport driver
    on top of the virtual function driver. Others that use a virtual function only, such as Broadcom,
    are now supported. Fixes #34.

  • Due to Microsoft's deprecation of software publisher certificates with kernel-mode signing
    capability, installations of Npcap on Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 will use the Npcap 1.79 driver by
    default. The Npcap 1.80 driver can be chosen in the GUI and via the /latest_driver=yes
    command-line option if driver signing is disabled in Windows. See #751.

  • Addressed faults found with Application Verifier: WSACleanup() was not being called in some
    cases, and in other cases was called from the DllMain() function of wpcap.dll, which Microsoft
    warns may cause deadlocks. Fixes #742.

  • Fixed a BSoD crash due to a race condition between NPF_DetachAdapter and
    NPF_Cleanup when closing a capture handle. Fixes #746.

  • Upgraded build system to Visual Studio 2022. This version prevents building drivers for earlier
    Windows versions, so the npcap.sys driver for Windows 7 through 8.1 is still built on Visual
    Studio 2019. See #629.

Npcap 1.79

19 Jan 20:36
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Installer available from

  • Fixed a condition where disabling and re-enabling a network adapter while a
    capture is active would prevent any packets from being received by the system
    until the capture handle was closed. Fixes #710.

  • Introduced a workaround for a previously-unknown bug in Microsoft's bthpan.sys that was
    causing BSoD crashes with INVALID_MDL_RANGE when Npcap or other drivers sent packets over
    a Bluetooth-tethered connection. Microsoft intends to patch this Windows bug, but Npcap will
    no longer trigger it regardless of patch status. Fixes #708.


19 Oct 22:48
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Installer available from

  • Fixed a kernel memory leak in Npcap 1.76 and 1.77 which occurs when the kernel buffer is full. This can be triggered by the sparkline graphs in the Wireshark splash screen. Fixes #701.

  • Correctly handle an allocation failure during out-of-memory condition, avoiding a null pointer dereference. Fixes #698.

Npcap 1.77

29 Sep 23:02
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Installer available at

  • Fixed a memory leak in Npcap 1.76 only which occurs while capturing traffic
    at high data rates. Fixes #688.

  • Fixed an issue in Npcap 1.76 where packets delivered to the driver by NDIS in
    a single indication, having the same timestamp, would be placed in the packet
    queue in reverse order. Fixes #684.

  • Fixed an issue with Npcap 1.75 and 1.76 where changing timestamp modes could
    result in all packets being delivered with the same timestamp. Fixes #695.

  • Fixed an issue with the Npcap installer that caused it to install duplicate
    certificates in the system's certificate store, which caused problems for
    some software. The fixed installer will remove the duplicates. Fixes #692.

Npcap 1.76

20 Jul 21:17
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Installer and symbols available at

  • Our code signing key has been reissued to "Nmap Software LLC" replacing the old "Insecure.Com LLC" subject name.

  • Improve performance of the driver by reducing lock contention and consolidating data copy operations. This may help address #663.

  • Additional fixes to locking discipline to potentially address a BSoD issue, #679.

Npcap 1.75

27 Apr 17:25
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Installer available from

  • Fix a critical regression in Npcap 1.74 which caused all captured packets to have the same timestamp. Fixes #668.

Npcap 1.74

21 Apr 01:56
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Installer available from

  • Updated libpcap to 1.10.4.

  • Fixed an issue (#667) that prevented capture handles from receiving packets after a NDIS stack pause operation.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause inaccurate timestamps when multiple handles were open and using different timestamp modes. Fixes #666.

  • Fixed an issue preventing raw WiFi frame capture since Npcap 1.60.

  • Fixed an issue causing "failed to set hardware filter to promiscuous mode" errors with NetAdapterCx-based Windows 11 miniport drivers. Npcap was interpreting the NDIS spec too strictly; we have opened an issue with Microsoft to address the fault in netadaptercx.sys. Fixes #628.

  • Addressed several code readability and portability fixes in Packet.dll discovered using clang-tidy via Visual Studio Code Analysis.

Npcap 1.73

30 Mar 20:13
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Installer, SDK, and symbols available from

  • Fixed an issue causing "failed to set hardware filter to promiscuous mode"
    errors due to a new code path failing to return appropriate error codes. Fix
    by Guy Harris in PR #656.
    Fixes #628.

  • Fixed an issue with WlanHelper causing "error 0x7b" since Npcap 1.70.Fix by
    Hauke Neitzel in PR #652.
    Fixes #649.

  • Fixed an issue preventing capture handles from reattaching after NDIS stack
    pause operations, resulting in persistent ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED (1617)
    errors. Fixes #627.

  • Restored original behavior of timestamps in the default case,
    Since Npcap 0.9994, the timestamp was resynchronized after NDIS stack pause
    operations, which reduced timestamp drift from wall clock time but made it no
    longer monotonic, making packet interval calculations inaccurate. This
    restores the default behavior of WinPcap.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Npcap 1.71 and 1.72 from being completely
    removed on uninstall. A misconfigured npcap driver service had persisted.
    Fixes #657.

  • Fixed an issue where applications using Npcap 1.20 or later DLLs with a Npcap
    1.00 driver would crash due to a stack buffer overrun when the driver returned
    too many bytes in response to a request for timestamp modes. Additionally,
    changed NPFInstall.exe to attempt to uninstall the Npcap NetCfg component
    prior to installation, in case an improperly-uninstalled component persists.

  • Updated libpcap to 1.10.3.

Npcap 1.72

14 Dec 20:53
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Installer and debug symbols available at

  • Fixed an issue where promiscuous mode or other hardware packet filters are ignored after a second
    handle is opened on the same adapter, including handles opened in the process of listing adapters
    with pcap_findalldevs(). Fixes #647.

  • Fixed an issue with validation of parameters to PacketGetNetInfoEx(). The NEntries parameter
    was not being checked for values less than or equal to 0. Fixes #625.