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Roman A. stalkerxxl

Personal Ukraine | Georgia

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


yet another python developer


Nyimbi Odero nyimbi
Data Wrangler, Code Spiffer-upper, Generalist

Datacraft Nairobi

Allison Vollmann allisonvoll

Florianópolis - Brazil

Max Cantor maxcan7
Machine Learning Engineer

New York City

Hnatiuk Vladyslav Aksem
Software (Language) Engineer

Vienna, Austria

Bruno Konrad brunoskonrad
I made a game already, now I want to play D&D 🎲


Raphael "Raph" "wrath" Vaz wrath-codes
Trying to achieve maximum performance data pipeline in python

Eco Sistemas Rio de Janeiro, RJ

pannet1 pannet1
I use PHP, Python, React and Mysql to solve my problems

ecomsense India

Matt Flowers mattflow
University of Cincinnati graduate and full-time Software Engineer.

Cincinnati, OH

Christopher Carvalho carvalhochris
Founder of Songcards: Listen. Discover. Collect.

Songcards London

duanpeng pal-duan

擎盾科技 北京

Ellis Breen griels
Software Developer and Aspiring Entrepreneur

CapDeColla Manchester, UK

Max Mylnikov mmmylnikov
🐍 Python Backend Developer | Django. Building scalable web apps and exploring open-source.


Hugo Bacilli hugocs1
backend developer

@Navegg São Paulo

Pragy Agarwal AgarwalPragy
Trading equities for a living

@scaleracademy @KingsGambitLab Bengaluru

Oliver Tosky otosky
Data Engineer

@stubhub New York, NY

michael MichaelHaussmann
CG Pipeline Developer, Teacher, CG & FX Supervisor


Petr Andreev PyotrAndreev
I am interested in financial markets. Especially, forecasting at time-series applying machine learning technique.


Xiaobo Yang xiaobo-yang
stat phd @pku

Peking University Peking, China

George GeorgeKontsevik
I try to do research.

World citizen

Malcolm Jones (bossjones/Tony Dark) bossjones
TONY DARK. Black Tony Stark. DevOps Engineer @behance (acq'd by @adobe). NUPE, WAHOO. call me #HERON, SON OF BABYLON, Le #Hyena. I build shit.

Behance Inc. New York, NY

SYM PixelSymbols
         🧙‍♂️⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻        🍩 Donate:⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻
Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana