mw — mailwizard - add, list, remove email configurations for mbsync, getmail and mutt. Sync email without mutt.
mw [<command>|<email>]
mw configures mbsync, getmail, msmtp and mutt in one go. mutt stands for mutt or neomutt.
mw asks the user for the information it needs. They cannot be provided as parameters to the command. It is still possible to script mw by defining variables. See the commands section.
mailwizard.muttrc is linked in your muttrc. Have this line there, if you prefer your own settings:
# source /usr/share/mailwizard/mailwizard.muttrc
You will need to keep the binding of i,g,C,M to noop, though, because of the generated bindings in the account muttrc.
Without command parameter sync is assumed. If the parameter contains @ an email is assumed and synced.
Add new email
First you decide, whether you want to configure
- mbsync, getmail, msmtp to sync emails independently from mutt using mw,
- or just mutt. For an IMAP server mutt becomes very slow. So normally you enter yes here.
mw asks you the email address.
mw has a database of IMAP4/POP3 and SMTP servers and ports. If you are lucky, your email server is there. Else mw will prompt you.
Add an email without questions, e.g.: mwtype=offline mwaddr=$a mwlogin=$a mwpass=mailwizard-$a mwserverinfo=",,993,,587" mwname="your name" mw addmwserverinfo can be omitted, if the email domain is in the accompanied domains.csv. mwusegetmail=1 as additional define uses getmail instead of mbsync.
List all email accounts configured by mailwizard
Remove the configuration files for an already configured email
Remove without question:
by email whose generated muttrc starts with 1:
mwaddr=$email mw rm #the following removes also the emails mwrmmails=YES mwaddr=$email mw rmby number of the generated muttrc (e.g. 1 here):
mwpick=1 mw rm <<<y
Removes all mw generated mutt settings and
.config/mutt/accounts/1-*.config/isync/mbsyncrc.config/getmail/*.config/msmtp/configFiles are under .config or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
If you don't want questions:
mw purge <<<y
Toggle a cronjob that periodically syncs mail
Without questions:
mwcronremove=yes mw cron mwcronminutes=99 mw cron
Syncs mail for all email accounts managed by mw (whose paths end in the email), and pops up notifications for new mail.
mw alone, without sync, syncs without notifications.
If an email address is given, only that email is synced.
Every mw sync run will re-generate the mutt configuration from the configuration files for mbsync, getmail and msmtp. So you could edit them after or not use mw add at all.
Just keep the Path, path and account ending in the email address.
If notmuch is installed, then export MWNOTMUCHNEW=0 suppresses calling it at sync.
Required for email setup or operation:
- pass - pass safely encrypts passwords
- gnupg - needed by pass
- mutt/neomutt - the email client (mutt untested).
- isync’s mbsync - syncs the mail
- getmail - used for POP3
- msmtp - sends the email
- w3m - view HTML email and images in mutt.
- notmuch - index and search mail. If the configuration file $NOTMUCH_CONFIG is not there, mw add will create it.
- libnotify - allows notifications when syncing mail with mw
- abook - a terminal-based address book.
- A cron manager (e.g. cronie) - if you want to enable the auto-sync feature.
- pam-gnupg - Forwards your login password to the gpg-agent. Login password and GPG password must be the same. default-cache-ttl and max-cache-ttl in gpg-agent.conf still apply. Increasing them to avoid password requests too soon after login.
- urlscan - outputs urls in mail
git clone cd mailwizard
Then install, either globally:
sudo make install
or locally:
PREFIX=~/.local make install
Once everything is setup, you’ll use mutt to access your mail.
The accompanied mailwizard.muttrc modifies some mutt defaults. Look there for a complete list.
Here an overview:
- ? - see all keyboard shortcuts
- gm / gM - call mailwizard’s mw sync for one / all mail accounts
ixy - To go to mailbox.
Mxy, Cxy - For Move and Copy to the according mailbox, e.g. Msp means "move to Spam".
i[1-9] - go to another account.
xy are
- the two first letters of a mailbox or
- first letter of first + second letter of second path entry
- S - search for a mail using notmuch
- gl - limit by substring of subject
- gL - undo limit
- ga - to add address/person to abook and Tab while typing address to complete one from book.
- m/r/gr/f - new/reply/group reply/forward message, using your default $EDITOR to write. Then you enter the compose screen.
- a - to add attachments
- s/t/c/b/d - to change the subject/to/CC/BCC/description.
- S - to change the signature/encryption
- y - to send the mail.
- dd - delete mail
- u - undelete
- $ - apply the mailbox changes set trash is set per default. Deleted mails will land there.
- s - save selected mail or selected attachment
moving around
- gu - open a menu to select a url you want to open in you browser (needs urlscan).
- j/k - next/previous mail, J/K same, without skipping deleted, and also when viewing mails
- ctrl-d/f/ctrl-u/b - down and up a half page / full page
- l - open mail, or attachment page or attachment
- h - the opposite of l
- B - toggles
- ctrl-j/ctrl-k - move up and down
- ctrl-l/o - opens mailbox
input field/command line
- ctrl-u clears the line
- ctrl-a, ctrl-e go to beginning or end
- ctrl-g aborts
isync is not fully UTF-8 compatible. mw assumes english mailbox names. Set your email language to English on your mail server.
Mail location
Mail is downloaded to a folders named after your emails in $MAILDIR. $MAILDIR defaults to $HOME/mail/. Neither mw remove nor mw purge will delete downloaded mail.
Gmail accounts
For Gmail allow less-secure applications Do this before running mailwizard.
Gmail uses labels instead of folders. To avoid local message duplication, remove labels on the Gmail web interface or hide them from IMAP and remove the according local folders. To keep a (local) folder from being synced one must exclude it in mbsyncrc. mw generates this default:
Patterns * !"_/*" !"[Gmail]" !"[Gmail]/All Mail"
Protonmail accounts
Protonmail users must use the Protonmail Bridge to access their IMAP and SMTP servers. Do this before running mailwizard.
- /user/bin/mw
- The main script to manage and sync emails.
- /user/bin/mwimage, /user/bin/mwopen
- Used by the mailcap file that comes with mailwizard.
- /usr/share/mailwizard/mailwizard.muttrc
- Default mutt settings.
- /usr/share/mailwizard/mailcap
- Default mailcap file.
- /usr/share/mailwizard/domains.csv
- Email server database.
- Luke Smith <>
- Original author, started in 2018. See Github, Gitlab
- Roland Puntaier <>
- Bugfixes, Improvements in 2019. Too many changes for Luke to accept the PR. Credit to Luke for his initiative. New name: mailwizard. See GitHub
neomutt(1), neomuttrc(1), mbsync(1), msmtp(1), getmail(1), notmuch(1), abook(1)