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MANRS Management

๐Ÿ“– Documentation

We do have a man page manrsctl(8). Please read the following manual.

Configuration File

The manrsctl.yaml configuration file can be in these directories and it loaded by this order:

  • $HOME/.config/manrsctl/manrsctl.yaml
  • /usr/local/etc/manrsctl/manrsctl.yaml
  • /etc/manrsctl/manrsctl.yaml


To install manrsctl(8):

sudo make install


To uninstall:

sudo make uninstall


Under config, use me for your own AS information, and use peers for your peers' information.


Here are the me parameters:

  • number: Your ASN
  • as-set: Your downstream AS set
  • max-prefix: Your maximum number of prefixes that you plan to advertise
  • prefixes: List of your current prefixes that you want to advertise
BGP (optional)

You can set these parameter under bgp key parameter of me:

  • router-id: BGP router-id
  • default-ipv4: can be true or false (e.g: no bgp default ipv4-unicast)
  • default-ipv6: can be true or false (e.g: no bgp default ipv6-unicast)
  • enforce-first-as: can be true or false (e.g: no bgp enforce-first-as)
  • suppress-fib-pending: can be true or false (e.g: no bgp suppress-fib-pending)
  • graceful-restart: can be true or false (e.g: no bgp graceful-restart)
  • import-check: can be true or false (e.g: no bgp network import-check)


Here are the rpki parameters, pass them as list:

  • preference: priority of server
  • type: for now, it only can be tcp
  • server: IP address of the rpki server
  • port: port number


Here are the community parameters:

  • blackhole: blackhole community
  • no-export: no-export community
  • my-prefix: (optional) Community tag of your own prefixes
Communities of Upstream, IXP, Peers, and Downstream

You can set these parameter under upstream, ixp, downstream, peers of community:

  • adv_only: Only advertise to specific group
  • adv_no_export: Advertise to group category with no-export
Local Preferences by Community

You have 4 default standard communities with an additional extended to least significant 3 digits of the community:

bgp large-community-list standard CMS_PREFMOD_100 permit your_as:1:2100
bgp large-community-list standard CMS_PREFMOD_200 permit your_as:1:2200
bgp large-community-list standard CMS_PREFMOD_300 permit your_as:1:2300
bgp large-community-list standard CMS_PREFMOD_400 permit your_as:1:2400
bgp large-community-list expanded CME-PREFMOD_RANGE permit your_as:1:2...
Informational Communities

You have 5 informational communities:

  • 3000: learned from upstream (CMS_LEARNT_UPSTREAM)
  • 3100: learned from downstream (CMS_LEARNT_DS)
  • 3200: learned from peer (CMS_LEARNT_PEER)
  • 3300: learned from IXP (CMS_LEARNT_IXP)

Upsteam and IXP

Add each peer configuration as a list. Here are the possible parameters for each upstream and ixp:

  • key: Peer ASN (example: AS214145)
  • description: ASN Name

Peers and Downstream

Add each peer configuration as a list. Here are the possible parameters for each peers and downstream:

  • key: Peer ASN (example: AS214145)
  • description: ASN Name
  • as-set: AS-SET name (You can set an empty AS-SET if you want like: AS214145:AS-EMPTY)
  • max-prefix: Peer maximum number of prefixes that you want to receive
  • addpath_tx_all_paths: (optional) can be true or false.

Shared Value Between upstream, ixp, downstream, and peers key

For each peer configuration, optionally you can specify these parameters below:

  • neighbors: (optional) List of neighbor IP addresses
  • upd-src: (optional) Source IP address of your BGP
  • disable-connected-check: (optional) can be true or false (e.g: neighbor ASx disable-connected-check). (except for IXP peers)
  • ebgp-multihop: (optional) TTL value of BGP Packets (except for IXP peers)
  • prepend: (optional) how many times should I prepend myself?

Note: disable-connected-check and ebgp-multihop will not apply to IXP peers

Communities and Local Preference

For each peer configuration, optionally you can specify a local preference and a community tag for valid and notfound RPKIs. For example:

      description: HE
        loc: 200
        community: 2:501
        loc: 100
        community: 2:511

Route-map and Community relationships

For IXP:


    1. permit call RTM_INVALID_DENY
      1. deny if match rpki invalid
      1. deny if match PFL_BOGON
      1. deny if match PFL_V4_BOGON
      1. deny if match ASP_REV_BOGON
      1. deny if match ASP_REV_EDROP
      1. permit
    1. permit call RTM_IXP_IN
      1. permit call RTM_CML_IN
        1. permit if match CMS_BLACKHOLE then call RTM_BLACKHOLE
        1. permit if match CMS_NO_EXPORT then call RTM_NO_EXPORT
        1. permit if match CME_PREFMOD_RANGE then call RTM_PREFMOD
        1. permit
      1. permit set large-community 214145:1:3300 additive
    1. permit if match rpki valid then optionally set local preference and community.
    1. permit if match rpki notfound then optionally set local preference and community.
    1. deny if match PFL_ANY


    1. permit call RTM_INVALID_DENY
      1. deny if match rpki invalid
      1. deny if match PFL_BOGON
      1. deny if match PFL_V4_BOGON
      1. deny if match ASP_REV_BOGON
      1. permit
    1. permit call RTM_CML_FLT_TO_IXP
      1. deny CMS_UPS_ONLY
      1. deny CMS_DS_ONLY
      1. deny CMS_PEERS_ONLY
      1. permit if match CMS_IXP_NO_EXPORT then call RTM_NO_EXPORT
      1. permit
    1. permit if match rpki valid AND PFL_EXPORT_FROM_ASy.
    1. permit if match rpki valid AND CMS_LEARNT_DS.
    1. deny if match PFL_ANY

Configuration Example

Checkout /usr/local/etc/manrsctl/manrsctl.conf.sample.


Random Generator

To generate random host (/64) address:

manrsctl ipv6 rand

Naming Standards

We use these suffixes:

  • PFL as prefix-lists
  • RTM as route-map
  • ASP as as-path
  • CME as Community List Extended
  • CMS as Community List Standard


You can match communities we provide actions for, on routes receives from customers, IXP, and Upstream.

Communities values of 214145:1:X, with X, have actions:

  • 1:100 - blackhole the prefix
  • 1:200 - set no_export
  • 1:300 - advertise only to other customers
  • 1:400 - advertise only to ixp
  • 1:500 - advertise only to upstreams
  • 1:600 - set no_export when advertising to upstreams
  • 1:2X00 - set local_preference to X00

Note: We are only using large communities to support 4-Byte ASN.


Updating Filters

To update the as path lists, prefix lists, and the route-maps, use manrsctl cron update.

Updating Bogon Filters

To update the Bogon as-path lists, and prefix lists use manrsctl cron bogon.

Full BGP Configuration

To generate the full configuration (with bgp neighborships), use manrsctl cron full.


Any PR(s) are welcomed. Check the wiki section of Github for more information.

Coding Principles

  • We refer to the files as libraries.
  • We refer to the non-library files in the lib directory as helpers.
  • We do not import helpers inside another helper.
  • We use flt as abbriviation for filter.
  • We use ups as abbriviation for upstream.

Function Naming Precedence

Here is our naming standard:

  • result:
    • get: result of one function
    • list: result of multiple functions
    • check: result of verifications
  • helper: name of helper file of function
    • cfg: Configuration File
    • bgp: BGP
    • pfl: Prefix-List
    • asp: AS-Path
    • frr: Frrouting
    • rtm: Route-Map
    • cml: Community Lists
  • rev: (optional) is it reverse of another function?
  • direction: (optional) in or out?
  • version: (optional) is it ipv4 (defined as _v4) or not (empty)?
  • ds: (optional) does it have any downstream (defined as _ds) or not (defined as _ds_rev)?
  • ass: (optional) does it have any as-set (defined as _ass) or not (defined as _ass_rev)?
  • name: simply name of function




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