A Zero Knowledge Toolkit aims to support circuit generation (API & DSL), multiple curves and proving systems.
To Run:
make update
make test
The ambitions are as follows:
Provable Programs
- R1CS
- BN128
- BN254
- BN256
- BLS12-381
- BLS12-377 (Zexe inner curve)
- SW6 (Zexe outer curve)
- BW6-761 (More efficient Zexe outer curve)
- JubJub ?
Standard Library for Circuits
- Comparators
- Binary Add/Sub
- Blake2s
- sha256
- Poseidon
- Sparse Merkle Tree
- Baby Jubjub
- Pederson Hash
Structured Reference String (SRS) generation for Setup
- "Powers of Tau" protocol for groth16
Check out these great projects which have been the inspiration and reference for Nescience.