该项目引用自 fping ,增加了获取任务接口,多进程运行采集任务,并进行采集数据上传功能。如果带有参数运行该程序,和标准的fping功能一致。
注意:安装脚本只在 Amazon Linux 2023 上进行了测试,脚本会生成一个系统服务。
# 使用arm机型(推荐,性价比更高)
# 使用x86机型
instance=`aws ec2 run-instances \
--image-id resolve:ssm:/aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/al2023-ami-kernel-default-${arch} \
--instance-type ${instance_type} \
--user-data "#!/bin/bash
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tansoft/fping/refs/heads/develop/setup/install-linux.sh | bash" \
--query 'Instances[0].InstanceId' \
--output json \
--region ${deploy_location}`
echo "instance id: ${instance}"
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tansoft/fping/refs/heads/develop/setup/install-linux.sh | bash
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tansoft/fping/refs/heads/develop/setup/update-linux.sh | bash
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tansoft/fping/refs/heads/develop/setup/uninstall-linux.sh | bash
# 安装:
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tansoft/fping/refs/heads/develop/setup/install-linux.sh | sed 's/fping-job/fping-pingable/g' | bash
# 更新:
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tansoft/fping/refs/heads/develop/setup/update-linux.sh | sed 's/fping-job/fping-pingable/g' | bash
# 卸载:
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tansoft/fping/refs/heads/develop/setup/uninstall-linux.sh | sed 's/fping-job/fping-pingable/g' | bash
程序使用 Amazon Linux 2023 镜像进行编译,详见 build-package.sh。
- x86版本:fping-x86_64.tar.gz
- arm版本:fping-arm64.tar.gz
因为程序需要进行多机器分布式部署,因此把程序编译成 static 方式,减少依赖库版本和缺失问题。
# lib from yum
#yum -y install git automake g++ glibc-static libstdc++-static
# lib from dnf
#dnf -y install git automake g++ glibc-static libstdc++-static
# mac for test
#brew install gcc
# 源码编译
git clone https://github.com/tansoft/fping
cd fping
# 需要 libstdc++ 静态库,sudo yum install libstdc++ libstdc++-devel libstdc++-static
# 修改 src/Makefile.am 增加 libstdc++.a 的路径,如:AM_LDFLAGS = -static -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-amazon-linux/11/32/libstdc++.a
# 参考:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43074760/article/details/131616272
# 这里指定任务获取接口url,注意为了缩少客户端编译后大小,这里只能使用http方式进行请求
# 如果需要调试,可以增加参数 --enable-debug
./configure --enable-centralmode="http://my-fping-job.com/job"
为了复用已经编译好的程序,程序会先判断环境变量 FPING_API_URL ,如果有则以该环境变量指向的地址为准。
fping is a program to send ICMP echo probes to network hosts, similar to ping, but much better performing when pinging multiple hosts. fping has a long long story: Roland Schemers did publish a first version of it in 1992 and it has established itself since then as a standard tool.
Current maintainer:
David Schweikert <david@schweikert.ch>
If you want to install fping from source, proceed as follows:
- Run
(only if you got the source from Github). - Run
with the correct arguments. (see:./configure --help
) - Run
make; make install
. - Make fping either setuid, or, if under Linux:
sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+ep fping
If you can't run fping as root or can't use the cap_net_raw capability, you can
also run fping in unprivileged mode. This works on MacOS and also on Linux,
provided that your GID is included in the range defined in
. This is particularly useful for running
fping in rootless / unprivileged containers. The --fwmark option needs root or
Have a look at the fping(8) manual page for usage help.
(fping -h
will also give a minimal help output.)
- Original author: Roland Schemers (schemers@stanford.edu)
- Previous maintainer: RL "Bob" Morgan (morgan@stanford.edu)
- Initial IPv6 Support: Jeroen Massar (jeroen@unfix.org / jeroen@ipng.nl)
- Other contributors: see CHANGELOG.md