DARPA Robotics Challenge Team ViGIR
Pinned Loading
- vigir_generic_params Public
This library allows to use dynamic configs with no fixed structure across the ROS system. In contrast to predefined msgs you can send any parameter content whose structure may change during runtime between nodes.
- vigir_pluginlib Public
Extended version of the pluginlib library. This library comes with a plugin (content) management system which allows to manage (loading as well as unloading plugins) and selecting plugins based on their content during runtime.
- vigir_simple_joint_pan Public
Provides a simple node for commanding back and forth joint panning motion (using a JointTrajectoryAction interface to interface with actuation)
- vigir_manipulation_planning Public
This repository contains ROS packages related to manipulation motion planning
- executive_smach Public Forked from ros/executive_smach
A procedural python-based task execution framework with ROS integration.
- vigir_footstep_planning_basics Public
This package provides basic widgets to communicate with the footstep planning system. Further it contains a library which implements common algortihms needed for handling step plans.