issues Search Results · repo:tomatoes-app/tomatoes language:Ruby
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intomatoes-app/tomatoes (press backspace or delete to remove)It seems that Gemfile and Dockerfile don t agree in their bundler version which is causing problems.
[5/6] RUN bundle install:
#10 0.317 Warning: the running version of Bundler (1.16.0) is ...
- 1
- Opened on Apr 23, 2022
- #350
Every time I try to access I get an error that reads DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN and the windows diagnostic
says that the DNS server might be down. Can someone help with this? I rely on these ...
- 1
- Opened on Dec 8, 2020
- #341
Or maybe it s a DNS issue: no A record returned by dig @!
- 9
- Opened on Dec 8, 2020
- #340
Checked API docs, empty How To page, Github issues, Freenode channel. Strange that so far only export was requested, but
not import.
I was thinking to move away from Toggl to just because this ...
- Opened on Jan 17, 2020
- #325
Here s a newly-created tomato. The time displayed is an hour off:
/api/tomatoes/ id yields the correct UTC time, so this is a problem later on:
id : 5cf71c35b54f560006264505 ,
created_at ...
- 1
- Opened on Jun 5, 2019
- #312
BackerPass, the service that we re currently using to accept donations for paying for Tomatoes hosting services, is
sunsetting. We have until the end of January to find a replacement and to migrate current ...
- 9
- Opened on Jan 20, 2019
- #310
I would like to request a new feature: Giving a name / tags to a tomato before it is started and not after it is done.
The main reason for this is that I have multiple tasks on my todo list and sometimes ...
- 9
- Opened on Jan 25, 2018
- #305
I guess that the latest version of Chrome (62.0.3202.94) doesn t support notifications from unsafe sources, that is
non-HTTPS sites.
screenshot from 2017-11-27 16-28-59
The short term solution would ...
- 4
- Opened on Nov 27, 2017
- #301
I was creating a page which retrieves my tomatoes. I was coding it and sending requests with SoapUI. After I finished
coding the page it started returning no tomatoes. I checked SoapUI - the same.
GET ...
- 5
- Opened on Sep 16, 2017
- #300
An ArgumentError occurred in tomatoes#index:
argument out of range
app/controllers/api/tomatoes_controller.rb:53:in `from
------------------------------- ...
help wanted
more info needed
- 1
- Opened on Sep 6, 2017
- #298

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