Parquet query tool
Create a tool similar to jq but for parquet files.
The preferred instalation process is download one of the precompiled binary files that can be downloaded from releases page in github. You will find these different files:
- pq-linux-amd64: native image for linux x86_64. Compressed using upx.
- pq-linux-arm64: native image for linux aarch64. Compressed using upx.
- pq-darwin-arm64: native image for macos aarch64.
- pq-darwin-amd64: native image for macos x86_64.
- pq-windows-amd64.exe: native image for windows x86_64.
- pq.jar: fat jar with all the needed classes
Native images has been generated using graalvm-ce 23.0.2.
Current version is 0.7.0.
You will see all the available subcommands using help subcommand:
$ ./pq help
Usage: pq [-v] [COMMAND]
parquet query tool
-v, --verbose enable debug logs
count print total number of rows in parquet file
schema print schema of parquet file
read print content of parquet file in json format
metadata print metadata of parquet file
write create a parquet file from a jsonl stream and a schema
help Display help information about the specified command.
Copyright(c) 2023 by @tonivade
Print number of rows in file:
$ ./pq help count
Usage: pq count [-v] [--filter=PREDICATE] FILE
print total number of rows in parquet file
FILE parquet file
--filter=PREDICATE predicate to apply to the rows
-v, --verbose enable debug logs
$ ./pq count example.parquet
You can get the count or rows that match a filter this way:
$ ./pq count --filter 'gender == "Male"' example.parquet
Print parquet schema.
$ ./pq help schema
Usage: pq schema [-v] [--select=COLUMN[,COLUMN...]]... FILE
print schema of parquet file
FILE parquet file
list of columns to select
-v, --verbose enable debug logs
$ ./pq schema example.parquet
message spark_schema {
optional int32 id;
optional binary first_name (STRING);
optional binary last_name (STRING);
optional binary email (STRING);
optional binary gender (STRING);
optional binary ip_address (STRING);
optional binary cc (STRING);
optional binary country (STRING);
optional binary birthdate (STRING);
optional double salary;
optional binary title (STRING);
optional binary comments (STRING);
You can select the columns you want to include in the schema using the --select
$ ./pq schema --select id,first_name,email example.parquet
message spark_schema {
optional int32 id;
optional binary first_name (STRING);
optional binary email (STRING);
Print file content.
$ ./pq help read
Usage: pq read [-v] [--index] [--filter=PREDICATE] [--format=JSON|CSV]
[--get=ROW] [--head=ROWS] [--skip=ROWS] [--tail=ROWS]
[--select=COLUMN[,COLUMN...]]... FILE
print content of parquet file in json format
FILE parquet file
--filter=PREDICATE predicate to apply to the rows
--format=JSON|CSV output format, json or csv
--get=ROW print just the row with given index
--head=ROWS get the first N number of rows
--index print row index
list of columns to select
--skip=ROWS skip a number N of rows
--tail=ROWS get the last N number of rows
-v, --verbose enable debug logs
$ ./pq read example.parquet
{"id":1,"first_name":"Amanda","last_name":"Jordan","email":"","gender":"Female","ip_address":null,"cc":"6759521864920116","country":"Indonesia","birthdate":"3/8/1971","salary":49756.53,"title":"Internal Auditor","comments":"1E+02"}
You can select the columns you want to include in the output using the --select
$ ./pq read --select id,first_name,email example.parquet
You can filter the rows that match a filter this way:
$ ./pq read --filter 'gender == "Male"' example.parquet
{"id":2,"first_name":"Albert","last_name":"Freeman","email":"","gender":"Male","ip_address":"","cc":"","country":"Canada","birthdate":"1/16/1968","salary":150280.17,"title":"Accountant IV","comments":""}
Print file metadata.
$ ./pq help metadata
Usage: pq metadata [-v] [--show-blocks] FILE
print metadata of parquet file
FILE parquet file
--show-blocks show block metadata info
-v, --verbose enable debug logs
$ ./pq metadata example.parquet
"createdBy":parquet-mr version 1.8.3 (build aef7230e114214b7cc962a8f3fc5aeed6ce80828)
Creates a parquet file from a jsonl/csv file and a shema.
$ ./pq help write
Usage: pq write [-v] [--format=JSON|CSV] [--schema=FILE] FILE
create a parquet file from a jsonl stream and a schema
FILE destination parquet file
--format=JSON|CSV input format, json or csv
--schema=FILE file with schema definition
-v, --verbose enable debug logs
This project is released under MIT License