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Plugin for streaming via WebRTC
📊 Plug and play analytics for Phoenix applications.
Phoenix + Tailwind + Petal Components Boilerplate
Elixir wrapper over FFmpeg for reading and decoding audio and video data
An Elixir implementation of Git version control system
✨ React inside Phoenix LiveView with seamless end-to-end reactivity
Phoenix Live Components for Elixir WebRTC
A series of exercises for Elixir newcomers to practice with language basics and local development.
🐛 An Elixir-based built-in error reporting and tracking solution
💰 Add recurring stripe subscriptions to phoenix applications
Surface wrappers for Phoenix.HTML.Form functions
Demo web project using the Elixir LangChain library
Base Nerves system configuration for the Raspberry Pi Zero and Zero W
1 part Phoenix Livereload, 1 part Livebook. All for .exs scripts
CAES005 - Introdução à Programação Funcional
Phoenix Liveview component library inspired by shadcn UI
The opinionated extension to Phoenix core_components
Declarative Ecto embedded schemas for data validation, coercion, and manipulation.
A library to make custom elements and LiveView so happy together
Build a simple web API for a book club with Phoenix.