Telegram bot using ReEdgeGPT unofficial API
You can check it here -> ReEdgeBot
- Access to Bing Chat without leaving your lovely messaging app!
- Change Bing Chat conversation styles
Do you want an original and imaginative response? (Creative style powered by gpt4) Or more informative and friendly? What about a more concise and straightforward answer?
- Start multiple conversations and switch between them
- Generate Images using Bing (powered by Dall-E)
- Text-to-speech responses (powered by edge-tts)
- Accept voice messages instead of text messages
Automatic-Speech-Recognition powered by AssemblyAI or Whisper (OpenAI)
- Configuration/cookie file download and update from the bot
- Restart the bot from your chat
- Inline queries to ask for questions or generate images
You can continue conversations from your private chat
- Enqueue queries. The bot will process each question in order
- Multi cookie management, stop hitting the daily limit!
- Permanent chat history (Recent activity in Bing)
- Export conversations
- python
- git
- ffmpeg (only if you are using whisper)
Commands available to every user are set automatically. However, there are some commands that are hidden:
/unlock <passwd> - Unlock bot functionalities with a password
Be careful with /history_update. History will be recreated, removing ownership and moving the ownsership to admin1 (if multiple admins are present, to the first one)
In order to use inline queries, you need to enable them in @BotFather. For ease of use, use the placeholder
type text
Type can be query or image.
Install python dependencies.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
If you want to contribute, install development dependencies as well.
$ pip install -r dev_requirements.txt
Create a self-signed certificate in order to communicate with telegram server using SSL.
$ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -keyout config/nginx.key -x509 -days 3650 -out config/nginx.pem
Create a directory named
to store bot configuration files. Copytemplates/config.json
directory. Change values according to your configuration.$ mkdir config $ cp templates/config.json config/config.json
token - Telegram bot token, obtained from @BotFather.
to run the bot using webhooks.false
to use polling. -
log_level: set level of the logging module.
ip: Your server/home IP. Must be accessible from internet.
port: Port to receive telegram updates. Allowed ports:
Nginx can be used as a reverse proxy in order to use other ports. Copy
to config and change values according to your configuration.<docker-host-ip>
is the gateway of the container. Similar to172.17.0.1
Can be any port in the user range.
$ cp templates/nginx.conf config/nginx.con $ docker run --rm --name nginx --net host -v ./config/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro -v ./config/nginx.key:/etc/nginx/nginx.key:ro -v ./config/nginx.pem:/etc/nginx/nginx.pem:ro nginx
cert: Path to your server certificate (can be self-signed).
Warning: If you're using a verified certificate, you may receive "certificate verify failed" error. Leave
path empty in your config.json
password: Password to use with /unlock and gain access to the bot (only required for the first time).
"password": "supersecurepassword123"
id: List of telegram IDs allowed in the bot, without password. Obtain if from bots like @getmyid_bot.
"id": [ 123123123, 132322322 ]
admin: List of telegram IDs allowed retrieve and update configuration files, i.e. config.json, cookies.json.
"admin": [ 123123123 ]
🆕 remove_chats_on_stop:
delete/keep chats after bot stop/restart (⚠️ WARNING⚠️ : chats retrieved from Bing with /history_update will be deleted as well if you enable this feature). -
🆕 history:
to enable/disable chat history.
cookies: List of file paths to cookies
"cookies": [ "config/cookies.json", "config/cookies2.json" ]
Run the bot.
$ chmod +x src/ $ src/
Note: If you run the bot in port 80, it may be needed to run the bot as superuser (sudo)
Build the image and bind config
directory in the container.
$ docker build . -t edgegpt-telegram-bot --rm
$ docker run -d -it --name edgegpt -v ./config:/edgegpt/config edgegpt-telegram-bot
$ docker run -d -it --name edgegpt -v ./config:/edgegpt/config scmanjarrez/edgegpt-telegram-bot
docker-compose.yml file provided.
$ docker compose up -d
Happy to see you willing to make the project better. In order to make a contribution, please respect the following format:
Sort imports with
.$ usort format *py
Format your code using
(line length 79).$ black -l 79 *py
If you are using flake8, add E203 to .flake8 ignore list
[flake8] extend-ignore = E203
$ pre-commit install
$ pre-commit run --all-files
VSCode should have the following settings in settings.json:
"python.analysis.fixAll": [],
"python.formatting.blackArgs": [
"-l 79"
"python.formatting.provider": "black",
"isort.path": [
"usort format"
If you use flake8, add:
"python.linting.flake8Args": [ "--ignore=E203", ],
You find this bot helpful and want to support me?

Copyright (c) 2023 scmanjarrez. All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
For a copy, see LICENSE.