A fast, functional, & fun command line based development experience!
Features full of beuatiful and modern IDE tools.
- macOS (Intel or Apple Silicon)
- Linux Distros
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/vivek-x-jha/dotfiles.git "$HOME/.dotfiles" && "$HOME/.dotfiles/bootstrap.sh"
Open a new terminal emulator window for changes to take effect!
To verify that your GitHub Signing Key and GitHub Auth Key are working correctly, run the following command:
cd "$HOME/.dotfiles.git" && git commit -m "$USER fork begins!" && git push && glg -5
:MasonInstall basedpyright bash-language-server lua-language-server shellcheck stylua
Enable authentication using touchid - works in multiplexers like tmux and screen
brew list | grep -q pam-reattach || brew install pam-reattach
sudo cp -f ~/.dotfiles/sudo/sudo_local /etc/pam.d/sudo_local
Configure 1Password as SSH Manager
- 1Password for SSH & Git
- Connecting to GitHub with SSH
- Use 1Password to securely authenticate the GitHub CLI
Using Nerd Fonts