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- 😺 I really like frontend application.
- 🥸 also continued to try other fields of study.
- 🤗 hobbies are sports and photography.
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Some things used. 🧐
Welcome to my homepage.
Some things used. 🧐
elegance-ui是一套基于Vue2.0的UI框架模板体系,用于为项目快速流程搭建。(vue3不推荐使用Class API, 现已经在开发Vue3版本。),Gihub Page上服务可能受DNS原因,第一次加载缓存非常缓慢。请您细心等待,建议您使用:Gitee网络环境使用: http://wangfanghua.gitee.io/elegance-ui/
🚀 Beautiful, fast and modern React UI library. (Previously NextUI)
Best practices for NextUI, The repository is being refined