A project that adds code overlays to the Oberon system running on RISC-V.
A version of the Oberon emulator using RISC-V instead of Wirth's RISC machine.
Project Oberon emulator in JavaScript and Java
Free Pascal Operating System (FPOS) is a operating system consists of a minimal kernel built on FreePascal. It contains a Scheme implementation of a hard drive (ATA) driver, keyboard (PS2), serial …
Source in Pascal, Modula-2 and Oberon for PL/0 and Oberon-0 from N. Wirth's books about Compiler Contruction.
📚 Freely available programming books
Совместный перевод книги Дж.Армстронга "Programming Erlang"
Oberon-07 compiler for x64 (Windows, Linux), x86 (Windows, Linux, KolibriOS), MSP430x{1,2}xx, STM32 Cortex-M3
io-core / qemu-risc6
Forked from qemu/qemuWork done in Branch: risc6 below -- adding a backend for Wirth's Oberon RISC5 architecture, renamed here to avoid confusion with risc-v
Matreshka is Ada framework to develop information systems
Ada Bare Bones OS development tutorial source code
Official mirror of the Muen Separation Kernel repository
This repository contains the source code of toro unikernel
wrmlab / wrmos
Forked from sergey-worm/wrmosRTOS based on L4 microkernel.
A framework for making thin and light Linux based images for x86 based machines and thinclients.
General-purpose, formally-verified, 64-bit operating system in SPARK/Ada for x86-64
An operating system written in Common Lisp
Active Oberon System (AOS), aka A2, and Bluebottle OS
Forkable repo for entries in Phoenix Phrenzy (
How to do nested/inner layout in Phoenix