Single header BASIC
emulation in C++
. This is based on my
(flawed) memory of the BASIC
dialect in the
Colour Genie computer I
got on my 15th birthday.
#include "basic.hpp"
int main()
_10: LET X = 1;
_20: LET SUM = 0;
_30: LET DEPTH = 1;
_40: INPUT "Enter a positive number: ", X;
_50: IF X > 0 THEN GOTO _130;
_60: PRINT "By positive, I mean greater than zero. You entered ", X, " which isn't";
_70: GOTO _40;
_80: SUM = SUM + X;
_90: X = X - 1;
_100: IF X > 0 THEN GOSUB _80;
_110: DEPTH = DEPTH * 2;
_120: RETURN;
_130: GOSUB _80;
_140: PRINT "SUM=", SUM, " DEPTH=", DEPTH;
- Only numeric variables are supported (no strings, no matrices)
- C++11 or later (easy to back-port, but why?)
- Those pesky semicolons...
- Variables must be defined prior to use
- Can't be used in kernel modules ;-)
- Many language features missing, e.g. PRINT USING and Most I/O
PR's for fixes and added functionality are most welcome.