RPG game editor. Runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac. Authored games eventually will run on mobile platforms also. Based on libgdx.
Licensed under AGPL3.
Below directions assume a POSIX environment. It should still work on Windows (I've done it), but you may need to modify the directions slightly.
- git
- sbt - http://www.scala-sbt.org/
- Java
Build instructions:
- Clone this repo and enter it.
git clone https://github.com/tommycli/rpgboss.git
cd rpgboss
- Run sbt. Once you are in the sbt prompt, run these commands to pull in extra dependencies:
> update-gdx
> update-libs
- You should still be in the sbt prompt. Switch to the 'editor' subproject, compile, and package it.
> project editor
> compile
> package
- You can run the editor from the sbt prompt also.
> run
- launch4j
- A Java keystore at ../keystore.jks.
- Enter the repository and run the package shell script.
cd rpgboss
- Find your binaries in:
$ ls package/target/
rpgboss-0.1-SNAPSHOT.exe rpgboss-0.1-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz
Bottom line up front - Starting rpgboss.editor.RpgDesktop as the 'main' class will launch the editor, which will allow you to access the test player.
common - Contains the models, the game player, and automated tests.
The models are defined in rpgboss.model and its subpackages.
The player is defined in rpgboss.player and its subpackages. The player is based on libgdx. Please look at the libgdx wiki tutorial to understand the implementation structure.
rpgboss.player.MyGame contains the ApplicationListener, which contains all the player logic. It doesn't have an explicit main-game-loop inside, but is called by libgdx's loop.
The desktop player has a 'main' class is at rpgboss.player.LwjglPlayer. It requires the path to the game project directory as its first argument to run the game.
editor - Contains the Swing based editor. Contains no game logic, just UI to edit the model defined in the common package. The 'main' class is rpgboss.editor.RpgDesktop.
If you add a resource type, make sure you add it to the list at Resource.resourceTypes.
If you add an rpgboss.model.event.EventCmd, be sure to add it to EventCmd.types.
Use 'Seq' as the array class in all the models. Use of Array breaks model equality comparison. Use of ArrayBuffer makes de-serialization silently fail. If you need to edit individual elements of the Seq, convert it to an ArrayBuffer in the application code.
Animations are in the same format as RPG Maker VX and XP. They should be comprised of square tiles 192px wide and tall. Each row may have up to 5 tiles. There may be up to 16 rows.
http://www.tekepon.net/fsm/ http://www.tekepon.net/fsm/modules/refmap/index.php?mode=rules
http://opengameart.org/content/sideview-pixel-art-rpg-enemy-sprites under creative commons.
420__Pixel_Art__Icons_for_RPG_by_Ails.png: http://ails.deviantart.com/art/420-Pixel-Art-Icons-for-RPG-129892453
LordSpirit.jpg: http://www.rpgrevolution.com/forums/index.php?autocom=gallery&req=si&img=3701
defaultrc_battleback/crownlesswish_rrr.jpg http://www.rpgrevolution.com/forums/index.php?autocom=gallery&req=si&img=3769 http://crownlesswish.deviantart.com/
Generated using bfxr at: http://www.bfxr.net/
Autotiles are individual files in Rpg Maker VX format. Spritesets are in Rpg Maker VX format. Tilesets only constrained to be comprised of 32x32 square tiles. Iconsets can be any size, but you will need to specify the tile-size when you import it.
Windowskins are in the Rpg Maker XP format.