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Kubernetes Node Cache

This repository deploys a CSI ephemeral driver for a shared node volume. All pods that use it see the same volume, and this volume outlives any pod. It can be thought of a a replacement for hostPath volumes, although it also gives more options for the storage medium.

It currently supports ram volumes, local SSD, and block storage (persistent disk and hyperdisk). The local SSD and block storage support is specific to GKE (Google's managed kubernetes service on GCP).

Set Up

Artifact Registry

  • Create repositories. You choose a host; the default is Then you create a repository within the host. Images go inside this repository. The final image path looks like HOST/PROJECT/REPO/IMAGE:TAG. See GCP AR documentation.
  • Your local docker needs access to be able to push, the is done with, eg, gcloud auth configure-docker
  • GKE by default can pull from any artifact registry repo in its own project. If you're pulling cross-project, see the access control documentation.

Workload Identity

If you use the PD cache, you must set up workload identity. See PD Caches for details.


We do not host pre-built images. You will need to build your own images from this repository and push them to a convenient image repository reachable from your cluster.

Run make images PROJECT=${YOUR_PROJECT_ID} REPO=${YOUR_AR_REPO}. This will build and push images to${YOUR_PROJECT_ID}. The image names and tags can be customized with TAG, DRIVER_IMAGE_NAME and CONTROLLER_IMAGE_NAME. The artifact registry host can be updated with REPO_HOST if you aren't in If you don't give the REPO parameter, images will be pushed to the legacy${YOUR_PROJECT} repository instead.

The image locations are plumbed to the yaml via kustomize. To deploy, run the following.

kubectl apply -k deploy/

The difference between -k- and -f is significant, be careful --- kubectl apply -f will fail and leave your cluster in a broken state. If you accidentally do this, delete the node-cache namespace and retry.

Note that the deployment ensures the controller runs on a node with workload identity, in case the PD cache is used. If you will not be using the PD cache and you don't want to set up workload identity for your cluster, you can remove the controller node selector.


Appropriately label nodes where you want a cache to be used.

The label key is Values may be:

  • tmpfs. This creates a ramdisk that persists across pod restarts. The label must also be on the node, which sets the size of this disk in MiB.

    The memory accounting for this ramdisk is a little confusing -- it appears that usage can be accounted to the writing container, rather than the CSI driver. Something to figure out before this is used in production.

  • lssd. This will raid local SSD into a cache that persists across pod restarts. The node should be created with --local-nvme-ssd-block flag. All local ssd cards will be used for the cache.

  • pd. A persistent disk will be created for the cache. must be set (it uses standard k8s parsing, eg 50Gi). See PD Caches below for more details.

See examples/example-pod.yaml for a simple example. The pod should have a node selector for the nodes that have been set up with the desired kind of node cache.

If no such label is present on a node, it cannot be used with a cache volume. Pods with a cache volume scheduled to such a node will be stuck in pending.

PD Caches

Caches based on persistent disk are created with the storage class, which may be customized as part of this deployment. Keep the volume binding mode as immediate, however, or volume creation will break.

The controller will create a PVC in order to provision the volume for a node. This PVC will be marked with a finalizer and immediately deleted so that it cannot be used with a pod. The finalizer will keep the volume from being reclaimed. The controller will then manually attach the volume to the node. There is no detach operation. The controller will delete such PVCs when there is no corresponding node (by removing the finalizer).

The PVC is created for any node labeled with, whether or not there is a pod using the cache on that node.

The node must also hvae the label set in order to create a volume. Pods will be stuck pending until this is done.

The controller service account must be linked to a GCP service account through workload identity. This SA needs a role with compute.instances.attachDisk IAM permissions in order to attach the disk.

Workload Identity Setup

  • Create or update the cluster with --workload-pool=${PROJECT_ID:?} and node pools with --workload-metadata=${GKE_METADATA:?}. The latter can be used to tell if a node pool is already opted in to WI.

  • Create a custom role.

    • Create a yaml file containinging the following
      title: node-cache-role
      description: PD manipulation for the csi node cache
      stage: GA
      - compute.disks.get
      - compute.disks.list
      - compute.disks.use
      - compute.instances.attachDisk
      - compute.instances.get
      - compute.instances.use
    • gcloud iam roles create nodeCache --project=${PROJECT_ID:?} --file="${YAML_FILE_PATH}"
  • Add roles to a k8s SA:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID:?} \
      --role=projects/${PROJECT_ID:?}/roles/nodeCache \
      --member=principal://${PROJECT_NUMBER:?}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/${PROJECT_ID:?} \
    gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \ \
    principal://${PROJECT_NUMBER:?}/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/${PROJECT_ID:?} \
    --role roles/iam.serviceAccountUser --condition=None

Workload identity can be difficult to debug. If pods trying to use a PD cache
are hanging, look for authentication errors in the controller logs (`kubectl
logs -n node-cache -l app=controller`). Double-check the instructions
above. Deploy `examples/wi-test.yaml`. This creates a pod `wi-test` in the
`node-cache` namespace running under the same service account as the
controller. After printing out what the GCP application default credential
service account looks like, it sleeps so that you can exec into it for further