This package allows you to use lscache together with Laravel.
It provides two middlewares and one facade:
- LSCache Middleware to control the cache-control header for LiteSpeed LSCache
- LSTags Middleware to control the tag header for LiteSpeed LSCache
- LSCache facade to handle purging
Require this package using composer.
composer require litespeed/lscache-laravel
Laravel uses Auto-Discovery, so you won't have to make any changes to your application, the two middlewares and facade will be available right from the beginning.
The package can be used for Laravel 5.1 to 5.4 as well, however due to lack of Auto-Discovery, a few additional steps have to be performed.
In config/app.php
you have to add the following code in your aliases
'aliases' => [
'LSCache' => Litespeed\LSCache\LSCache::class,
In app/Http/Kernel.php
you have to add the two middlewares under middleware
and routeMiddleware
protected $middleware = [
protected $routeMiddleware = [
'lscache' => \Litespeed\LSCache\LSCacheMiddleware::class,
'lstags' => \Litespeed\LSCache\LSTagsMiddleware::class,
Copy lscache.php
to config/
Copy the package config/lscache.php
file to your config/
important: Do not add the ServiceProvider under providers
in config/app.php
You should publish the package configuration, which allows you to set the defaults for the X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Litespeed\LSCache\LSCacheServiceProvider"
To enable CacheLookup for LiteSpeed Cache, you have to include the following code, either on server, vhost or .htaccess level:
<IfModule LiteSpeed>
CacheLookup on
The package comes with 3 functionalities: Setting the cache control headers for lscache, settings specific tags and purging.
You'll be able to configure defaults in the config/lscache.php
file, here you can set the max-age (default_ttl
), the cacheability (default_cacheability
) such as public, private or no-cache or enable esi (esi
) in the X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control
response header.
If the default_ttl
is set to 0
, then we won't return the X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control
response header.
You can control the config settings in your .env
file as such:
- acceptstrue
to whether you want ESI enabled or not globally; Defaultfalse
- accepts an integer, this value is in seconds; Default:0
- accepts a string, you can use values such asprivate
; Default:no-cache
- acceptstrue
to decide if the cache should be enabled for guests only; Defaults tofalse
You set the cache-control header for lscache using a middleware, so we can in our routes do something like this:
Route::get('/', function() {
return view('frontpage');
Route::get('/about-us', function() {
return view('about-us');
Route::get('/contact', function() {
return view('contact');
Route::get('/admin', function() {
return view('admin');
Below is 4 examples:
- the
route will use the default X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control header that you've configured inconfig/lscache.php
. - the
route sets a max-age of 300 seconds as well as setting the cacheability topublic
, keep in mind you'll use semi-colon (;
) to separate these values. - the
route uses a max-age of 10 seconds, uses private cacheability and turns ESI on. Turning ESI on, allows you to use<esi:include>
within your blade templates and these will be parsed by the ESI engine in LiteSpeed Web Server. - the
route will never be cached by setting aX-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
Now, you'll also be able to apply the same middleware to route groups in Laravel, let's take an example:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'middleware' => ['lscache:private;esi=on;max-age=120']], function() {
Route::get('/dashboard', function() {
return view('dashboard');
Route::get('/stats', function() {
return view('stats');
In the above case, we've set the whole admin
group to be private with esi enabled and a max-age of 120 seconds, however in the /admin/stats
route, we override the X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control
header to no-cache
You're also able to set tags for LSCache using the lstags
middleware. If we use the previous example of our admin
route group:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'middleware' => ['lscache:private;esi=on;max-age=900', 'lstags:admin']], function() {
Route::get('/dashboard', function() {
return view('dashboard');
Route::get('/users', function() {
return view('users');
Here we've added the lstags:admin
middleware, this means that the cache will get tagged with an admin
tag, so when we later want to purge the cache, we can target all admin pages using the tag admin
You can also do more complex tags as such:
Route::get('/view', function() {
return view('view');
})->middleware(['lscache:private', 'lstags:public:pubtag1;public:pubtag2;public:pubtag3;privtag1;privtag2']);
If we have an admin interface that controls for example a blog, when you publish a new article, you might want to purge the frontpage of the blog so the article appears in the overview.
You'd do this in your controller by doing
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use LSCache;
class BlogController extends BaseController
// Your article logic here
In the above example, we're simply telling it to add an additional header called X-LiteSpeed-Purge
with the value stale,/
, this will invalidate the frontpage of the site.
You can also purge everything by doing:
// or
One or multiple URIs can be purged by using a comma-separated list:
// or
LSCache::purgeItems(['/blog', '/about-us', '/']);
You can purge individual or multiple tags:
LSCache::purge('tag=archive, tag=categories');
// or
LSCache::purgeTags(['archive', 'categories']);
Or if you want to purge private cache by tag:
LSCache::purge('private, tag=users');
You even have the possibility to purge a set of public tags and and purge all the private tags:
LSCache::purge('pubtag1, pubtag2, pubtag3; private, *');
LiteSpeed Cache for Laravel 1.1.0 comes with a stale option turned on by default for the LSCache::purge
function, this can be turned off by using false
as the second parameter in the purge
LSCache::purge('*', false);
// or
LSCache::purge('*', $stale=false);
// or
By default the way Lscache works in LiteSpeed is by purging an element in the cache, and next request will generate the cached version.
This works great if you're running a fairly low traffic site, however if your application takes let's say 2 seconds to process a given request, all traffic received to this endpoint within those 2 seconds will end up hitting the backend, and all visitors will hit PHP.
By using the stale,
keyword in front the "key" you're purging, you're telling Lscache to purge the item, but if multiple visitors hit the same endpoint right after each other, only the first visitor will be the one generating the cache item, all remaining vistors will get served the stale cached page until the new cached page is available.
Since a page generation should be rather fast, we're only serving this stale content for maybe a couple of seconds, thus also the reason it's being enabled by default.
If your application cannot work with stale content at all, then you can use false
or $stale=false
as the second parameter in the LSCache::purge()
function to disable this functionality.
You can also purge specific public tags by adding ~s
after the tag, such as:
LSCache::purge('pubtag1, pubtag2~s, pubtag3; private, privtag1, privtag2', $stale=false);
Only pubtag2
will be served stale.