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Getting Started with Integration Development

In this Development Guide, we will walk you through the initial steps of getting your integration up and running. Along the way, we will provide tips and tricks to ensure your success. JupiterOne has many open-source projects that provide an easy-to-use framework for creating a new integration, including the code found in this SDK project.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


You'll need:

  • Node.js

    • It's recommended to use a Node version manager. Both fnm and nvm are great choices.


Through the GitHub CLI

gh repo create graph-$INTEGRATION_NAME --public \
  --clone \
npm install

Through the GitHub UI

  1. Use the integration-template to create a new repository
  2. Clone your repository and run npm install
npm install

That's it! Your project is ready for development!

Developing the integration

In this guide, we will create a small integration with DigitalOcean using examples which you can apply to the integration you are building.

Integration configuration

Every integration builds and exports an InvocationConfig that is used to execute the integration.

In the new integration that you created, you can see the InvocationConfig exported in src/index.ts

πŸ“ src/index.ts

export const invocationConfig: IntegrationInvocationConfig<IntegrationConfig> =

Let's work from the top to bottom. We'll start by defining instanceConfigFields, next we'll implement validateInvocation, and finally define our integrationSteps.

1. Creating InstanceConfigFields

The first object in our InvocationConfig is instanceConfigFields with type IntegrationInstanceConfigFieldsMap. You'll find this defined in your project in src/config.ts.

πŸ“ src/config.ts

 * A type describing the configuration fields required to execute the
 * integration for a specific account in the data provider.
 * When executing the integration in a development environment, these values may
 * be provided in a `.env` file with environment variables. For example:
 * - `CLIENT_ID=123` becomes `instance.config.clientId = '123'`
 * - `CLIENT_SECRET=abc` becomes `instance.config.clientSecret = 'abc'`
 * Environment variables are NOT used when the integration is executing in a
 * managed environment. For example, in JupiterOne, users configure
 * `instance.config` in a UI.
export const instanceConfigFields: IntegrationInstanceConfigFieldMap = {
  clientId: {
    type: 'string',
  clientSecret: {
    type: 'string',
    mask: true,

The instanceConfigFields object lets us control how the integration will execute. A common use is to provide credentials to authenticate requests. For example, DigitalOcean requires a Personal Access Token (see below). Other common config values include a Client ID, API Key, or API URL. Any outside information the integration needs at runtime can be defined here.

DigitalOcean requires a Person Access Token, so I'll edit the fields to show that.

πŸ“ src/config.ts

export const instanceConfigFields: IntegrationInstanceConfigFieldMap = {
-  clientId: {
-    type: 'string',
-  },
-  clientSecret: {
-    type: 'string',
-    mask: true,
-  },
+  accessToken: {
+    type: 'string',
+    mask: true,
+  }
The mask property should be set to true any time a property is secret or sensitive.

We should also edit IntegrationConfig in the same file to match instanceConfigFields. IntegrationConfig is used to add and provide type information throughout the project.

πŸ“ src/config.ts

export interface IntegrationConfig extends IntegrationInstanceConfig {
-  /**
-   * The provider API client ID used to authenticate requests.
-   */
-  clientId: string;
-  /**
-   * The provider API client secret used to authenticate requests.
-   */
-  clientSecret: string;
+  /**
+   * The accessToken to use when authenticating with the API.
+   */
+  accessToken: string;

Lastly, we will want to create a .env file with our configuration. Let's edit .env.example to match our project:

πŸ“ .env.example

+ ACCESS_TOKEN=<access token goes here>
cp .env.example .env

In the .env file, we can put our ACCESS_TOKEN. Make sure not to put real secrets in the .env.example!


| The .env file should NEVER be committed. The integration-template has .env in the .gitignore, but always be sure not to add and commit it.

Awesome! We have created our instanceConfigFields and IntegrationConfig. Let's go to the next step.

2. Creating ValidateInvocation

Next, we will create our validateInvocation function. The basic contract for validateInvocation is as follows:

  • The function receives the execution context and configuration we set in instanceConfigFields.
  • The function will validate that all configuration is present and valid or throw an error otherwise.

Let's create a validateInvocation for DigitalOcean.

πŸ“ src/config.ts

export async function validateInvocation(
  context: IntegrationExecutionContext<IntegrationConfig>
 ) {
   const { config } = context.instance;

-  if (!config.clientId || !config.clientSecret) {
+  if (!config.accessToken) {
     throw new IntegrationValidationError(
-      'Config requires all of {clientId, clientSecret}',
+      'Config requires accessToken',
- const apiClient = createAPIClient(config);
- await apiClient.verifyAuthentication();
+ // const apiClient = createAPIClient(config);
+ // await apiClient.verifyAuthentication();

You'll notice we commented these two lines:

const apiClient = createAPIClient(config);
await apiClient.verifyAuthentication();

It's good practice to test your credentials in validateInvocation by making a light-weight authenticated request to your provider API, but we don't have a working API Client or a verifyAuthentication method to use yet, so let's add one.

Adding or Creating an API Client

There are three common cases when creating your integration's APIClient.

  1. The provider you are integrating with provides an out-of-the-box open source
  2. An open-source client exists and is well maintained, trusted, and widely used.
  3. There is no provider client, and there are no open-source clients or the clients that exist fail to meet a high standard of trust and use.

In the first two cases, it is often better to use a publicly available client if there aren't extenuating circumstances.

In the third case, we will need to implement the client ourselves as part of the integration.

For DigitalOcean, there is not a provider-supported client and the open-source clients available are not widely used. So let's make our own. The patterns would be similar in the first or second case. We will just go one step deeper here.

Basic Client Setup

We will first want to ensure our client has access to the information it needs to make authenticated requests. If we anticipate logging from our client, then we should add IntegrationLogger to the constructor parameters.

πŸ“ src/client.ts

export class APIClient {
-  constructor(readonly config: IntegrationConfig) {}
+  private BASE_URL = '';
+  constructor(
+    readonly config: IntegrationConfig,
+    readonly logger: IntegrationLogger
+  ) {}
- export function createAPIClient(config: IntegrationConfig): APIClient
+ export function createAPIClient(
+  config: IntegrationConfig,
+  logger: IntegrationLogger
+ ): APIClient {
-    return new APIClient(config);
+    return new APIClient(config, logger);

Adding the first route

As discussed earlier, we need a way to test that we can authenticate with the provider API to use in validateInvocation. We will want to make a light-weight authenticated request. What endpoint you choose will vary from provider to provider, but for DigitalOcean, we'll use the /account endpoint.

Let's create a new getAccount method from APIClient

We'll first create a type to represent the DigitalOceanAccount response object. Let's go to the src/types.ts file. There are good examples of how we might define our types, but let's delete them and create our own. This interface will be used to represent the data returned via the API. We should carefully consider what values may not always be present through testing and reading the API documentation.

πŸ“ src/types.ts

// modeled from the example response from the DigitalOcean API
// See:
export interface DigitalOceanAccount {
  account: {
    droplet_limit: number;
    floating_ip_limit: number;
    email: string;
    uuid: string;
    email_verified: boolean;
    status: string;
    status_message: string;

We'll also need to add an HTTP client to make requests. I'll use node-fetch, but the choice of client is up to you.

npm install node-fetch

Now we can add the getAccount method to our client.

import {
} from '@jupiterone/integration-sdk-core';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import { DigitalOceanAccount } from './types';

export class APIClient {
  public async getAccount(): Promise<DigitalOceanAccount> {
    const endpoint = '/account';
    const response = await fetch(this.BASE_URL + endpoint, {
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${this.config.accessToken}`,

    // If the response is not ok, we should handle the error
    if (!response.ok) {
      this.handleApiError(response, this.BASE_URL + endpoint);

    return (await response.json()) as DigitalOceanAccount;

   private handleApiError(err: any, endpoint: string): void {
    if (err.status === 401) {
      throw new IntegrationProviderAuthenticationError({
        endpoint: endpoint,
        status: err.status,
        statusText: err.statusText,
    } else if (err.status === 403) {
      throw new IntegrationProviderAuthorizationError({
        endpoint: endpoint,
        status: err.status,
        statusText: err.statusText,
    } else {
      throw new IntegrationProviderAPIError({
        endpoint: endpoint,
        status: err.status,
        statusText: err.statusText,

In the getAccount method, we define the endpoint, make the request, and handle any errors. If the request was successful, then we return the response.

Now we can add authentication verification to our validateAuthentication.

πŸ“ src/config.ts

export async function validateInvocation(
  context: IntegrationExecutionContext<IntegrationConfig>
 ) {
   const { config } = context.instance;

  if (!config.accessToken) {
     throw new IntegrationValidationError(
      'Config requires accessToken',
- // const apiClient = createAPIClient(config);
- // await apiClient.verifyAuthentication();
+ const apiClient = createAPIClient(config, context.logger);
+ await apiClient.getAccount();

And that's validateInvocation completed! πŸŽ‰ We can now proceed to our IntegrationSteps knowing that we have a valid configuration.

3. Creating your first IntegrationStep

Let's get some data! Integrations are executed in Steps. Steps are functions which can produce Entities, Relationships, and MappedRelationships. It is good practice to limit each step to create a small number of closely related resources. If one step fails, other steps may still be able to succeed.

The integrationSteps are exported from src/steps/index.ts.

πŸ“ src/steps/index.ts

import { accountSteps } from './account';
import { accessSteps } from './access';

const integrationSteps = [...accountSteps, ...accessSteps];

export { integrationSteps };

Let's remove accessSteps and focus on accountSteps.

- import { accessSteps } from './access';

- const integrationSteps = [...accountSteps, ...accessSteps];
+ const integrationSteps = [...accountSteps];

Creating the Account Step

An IntegrationStep is made up of two parts - an ExecutionHandlerFunction which does the work of the step, and StepMetadata which exports information about the work that the ExecutionHandlerFunction will do.

Let's look at the example Account step.

πŸ“ src/steps/account/index.ts

export const accountSteps: IntegrationStep<IntegrationConfig>[] = [
    id: Steps.ACCOUNT,
    name: 'Fetch Account Details',
    entities: [Entities.ACCOUNT],
    relationships: [],
    dependsOn: [],
    executionHandler: fetchAccountDetails,

Let's go through each of these to build our IntegrationStep. We'll skip over relationships and dependsOn as those will not be used by our step and will be covered later as advanced topics.


The step id is the unique identifier for the step.

It's a good idea to define your step ids as constants in src/steps/constants.ts as you'll want to reference these ids in other parts of the project.

export const Steps = {
  ACCOUNT: 'fetch-account',
  USERS: 'fetch-users',
  GROUPS: 'fetch-groups',
  GROUP_USER_RELATIONSHIPS: 'build-user-group-relationships',

We already have an account identifier, so we will leave this as-is for now.


The step name is the human-readable name of the step that will appear in logs.


The entities property of the step provides metadata about the entities that are produced by the step.

Let's see what the ACCOUNT entity looks like:

πŸ“ src/steps/constants.ts

    resourceName: 'Account',
    _type: 'acme_account',
    _class: ['Account'],
    schema: {
      properties: {
        mfaEnabled: { type: 'boolean' },
        manager: { type: 'string' },
      required: ['mfaEnabled', 'manager'],

The ACCOUNT object of type StepEntityMetadata is used at runtime to define the structure of the data the integration will produce and test that the structure is actually produced.

Property Purpose Examples
resourceName The natural resource name in the integration provider. S3 Bucket, Account, Organization
_type An identifier noting the provider and type of resource. The _type is used to identify and find entities produced by the integration aws_ec2, tenable_finding, github_repo
_class An entity classification from the JupiterOne data-model. The \_class is used to classify objects and promote common properties across different integrations. An entity may have more than one _class` Account, Organization, Finding, Vulnerability
schema An object used to specify and extend the schema inherited from the _class. This object is useful for testing integrations and providing information about what properties can or will exist on the created Entity or Relationship See src/steps/constants.ts for examples.

Let's edit this object to conform to our Account on DigitalOcean.

    resourceName: 'Account',
-    _type: 'acme_account',
+    _type: 'digital_ocean_account',
    _class: ['Account'],
    schema: {
      properties: {
-        mfaEnabled: { type: 'boolean' },
-        manager: { type: 'string' },
+        email: { type: 'string' },
+        emailVerified: { type: 'boolean' }
+        status: { type: 'string' }
+        statusMessage: { type: 'string' }
-     required: ['mfaEnabled', 'manager'],
+     required: ['email', 'emailVerified', 'status']
Tip πŸ’‘
It can be helpful to put properties that will always exist in the required field. Explicitly adding required properties helps communicate what properties to expect to future maintainers. It will also help to test the created entities


The executionHandler is where the work for the step happens. The executionHandler is a function that takes in the IntegrationStepExecutionContext as a parameter and performs the necessary work to create entities and relationships.

We can see an example executionHandler for the fetch-account step.

πŸ“ src/steps/account/index.ts

export async function fetchAccountDetails({
}: IntegrationStepExecutionContext<IntegrationConfig>) {
  const accountEntity = await jobState.addEntity(createAccountEntity());

  await jobState.setData(ACCOUNT_ENTITY_KEY, accountEntity);

Let's make a few changes to adapt it to work for DigitalOcean.

export async function fetchAccountDetails({
+ instance,
+ logger
}: IntegrationStepExecutionContext<IntegrationConfig>) {
-   const accountEntity = await jobState.addEntity(createAccountEntity());
-   await jobState.setData(ACCOUNT_ENTITY_KEY, accountEntity);
+   const client = createAPIClient(instance.config, logger);
+   const account = await client.getAccount();

The last thing we need to do is add our entity to the jobState. To do this, we'll first want to convert the entity to a common format.


Different providers will present data in many different ways. We want to normalize our data to be more consistent, so we can gather useful insights from it. The converter will create the normalized entity or relationship from the raw data the provider gives in an API response.

Let's create our first converter. We can go to src/steps/accounts/converter.ts and remove the example there to start fresh.

πŸ“ src/steps/account/converter.ts

import {
} from '@jupiterone/integration-sdk-core';
import { DigitalOceanAccount } from '../../types';

import { Entities } from '../constants';

export function createAccountEntity(account: DigitalOceanAccount): Entity {
  return createIntegrationEntity({
    entityData: {
      source: account,
      assign: {
        _key: account.account.uuid,
        _type: Entities.ACCOUNT._type,
        _class: Entities.ACCOUNT._class,
        name: 'Account',
        dropletLimit: account.account.droplet_limit,
        floatingIpLimit: account.account.floating_ip_limit,
        uuid: account.account.uuid,
        emailVerified: account.account.email_verified,
        status: account.account.status,
        statusMessage: account.account.status_message,

There are two parts to the createIntegrationEntity function. The source property captures the raw data from the provider.

The assign object creates the normalized, searchable data for the entity. We camel case the assign properties. There are four required properties on the assign object. The _type and _class are required for the reasons stated discussed above. The _key is the unique identifier of the entity. Lastly, the name is the name of the entity. Sometimes an entity will have a natural name like "Zane's PC", but since the provider doesn't have a good name for the account, we'll just name it "Account".

Let's finish our executionHandler by adding the converter.

+ import { createAccountEntity } from './converter';
export async function fetchAccountDetails({
+ instance,
+ logger
}: IntegrationStepExecutionContext<IntegrationConfig>) {
  const client = createApiClient(instance.config, logger);
  const account = client.getAccount();
+ const accountEntity = createAccountEntity(account);
+ await jobState.addEntity(accountEntity);

And that's it! We have a working executionHandler.

Running the integration

We've now:

  • βœ… Created a new integration project
  • βœ… Installed dependencies with npm install
  • βœ… Created our instanceConfigFields
  • βœ… Setup a .env file
  • βœ… Created our validateInvocation
  • βœ… Added our API Client and authenticated request
  • βœ… Created our first IntegrationStep

We are now ready to run our integration! We can collect data using:

npm run start

You can see the collected data in the .j1-integration and you can visualize the results with npm run graph.