Compare two OpenAPI specifications (3.x) and render the difference to HTML plaintext, Markdown files, or JSON files.
- Java 8
- Supports OpenAPI spec v3.0.
- Depth comparison of parameters, responses, endpoint, http method (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE...)
- Supports swagger api Authorization
- Render difference of property with Expression Language
- HTML, Markdown, Asciidoc & JSON render
Available on Maven Central
Available for Mac users on brew
brew install openapi-diff
Usage instructions in Ussage -> Command line
Available on Docker Hub as openapitools/openapi-diff
# docker run openapitools/openapi-diff:latest
usage: openapi-diff <old> <new>
--asciidoc <file> export diff as asciidoc in given file
--debug Print debugging information
--error Print error information
--fail-on-changed Fail if API changed but is backward
--fail-on-incompatible Fail only if API changes broke backward
--config-file Config file to override default behavior. Supported file formats: .yaml
--config-prop Config property to override default behavior with key:value format (e.g. my.prop:true)
-h,--help print this message
--header <property=value> use given header for authorisation
--html <file> export diff as html in given file
--info Print additional information
--json <file> export diff as json in given file
-l,--log <level> use given level for log (TRACE, DEBUG,
--markdown <file> export diff as markdown in given file
--off No information printed
--query <property=value> use query param for authorisation
--state Only output diff state: no_changes,
incompatible, compatible
--text <file> export diff as text in given file
--trace be extra verbose
--version print the version information and exit
--warn Print warning information
This is only required if you want to try new changes in the Dockerfile of this project.
docker build -t local-openapi-diff .
You can replace the local image name local-openapi-diff
by any name of your choice.
In this example the $(pwd)/core/src/test/resources
directory is mounted in the /specs
directory of the container
in readonly mode (ro
docker run --rm -t \
-v $(pwd)/core/src/test/resources:/specs:ro \
openapitools/openapi-diff:latest /specs/path_1.yaml /specs/path_2.yaml
The remote name openapitools/openapi-diff
can be replaced with local-openapi-diff
or the name you gave to your local image.
openapi-diff can read OpenAPI specs from JSON files or HTTP URLs.
$ openapi-diff --help
usage: openapi-diff <old> <new>
--asciidoc <file> export diff as asciidoc in given file
--debug Print debugging information
--error Print error information
-h,--help print this message
--header <property=value> use given header for authorisation
--html <file> export diff as html in given file
--info Print additional information
--json <file> export diff as json in given file
-l,--log <level> use given level for log (TRACE, DEBUG,
--markdown <file> export diff as markdown in given file
--off No information printed
--query <property=value> use query param for authorisation
--state Only output diff state: no_changes,
incompatible, compatible
--fail-on-incompatible Fail only if API changes broke backward compatibility
--fail-on-changed Fail if API changed but is backward compatible
--config-file Config file to override default behavior. Supported file formats: .yaml
--config-prop Config property to override default behavior with key:value format (e.g. my.prop:true)
--trace be extra verbose
--version print the version information and exit
--warn Print warning information
Add openapi-diff to your POM to show diffs when you test your Maven project. You may opt to throw an error if you have broken backwards compatibility or if your API has changed.
<!-- Reference specification (perhaps your prod schema) -->
<!-- Specification generated by your project in the compile phase -->
<!-- Fail only if API changes broke backward compatibility (default: false) -->
<!-- Fail if API changed (default: false) -->
<!-- Supply file path for console output to file if desired. -->
<!-- Supply file path for json output to file if desired. -->
<!-- Supply file path for markdown output to file if desired. -->
<!-- Supply config file(s), e.g. to disable incompatibility checks. Later files override earlier files -->
<!-- Supply config properties, e.g. to disable incompatibility checks. Overrides configFiles. -->
public class Main {
public static final String OPENAPI_DOC1 = "petstore_v3_1.json";
public static final String OPENAPI_DOC2 = "petstore_v2_2.yaml";
public static void main(String[] args) {
ChangedOpenApi diff = OpenApiCompare.fromLocations(OPENAPI_DOC1, OPENAPI_DOC2);
HtmlRender htmlRender = new HtmlRender("Changelog", "");
FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("testDiff.html");
OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream);
htmlRender.render(diff, outputStreamWriter);
MarkdownRender markdownRender = new MarkdownRender();
FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("");
OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream);
markdownRender.render(diff, outputStreamWriter);
AsciidocRender asciidocRender = new AsciidocRender();
FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("testDiff.adoc");
OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream);
asciidocRender.render(diff, outputStreamWriter);
JsonRender jsonRender = new JsonRender();
FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("testDiff.json");
OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream);
jsonRender.render(diff, outputStreamWriter);
This project uses Java Service Provider Inteface (SPI) so additional extensions can be added.
To build your own extension, you simply need to create a src/main/resources/META-INF/services/
file with the full classname of your implementation.
Your class must also implement the
Then, including your library with the openapi-diff
module will cause it to be triggered automatically.
Swagger Petstore
-- What's New --
- GET /pet/{petId}
-- What's Deleted --
- POST /pet/{petId}
-- What's Deprecated --
- GET /user/logout
-- What's Changed --
- PUT /pet
- Deleted application/xml
- Changed application/json
Schema: Backward compatible
- POST /pet
- Add tags in query
- Changed application/xml
Schema: Backward compatible
- Changed application/json
Schema: Backward compatible
- GET /pet/findByStatus
- Deprecated status in query
Return Type:
- Changed 200 OK
Media types:
- Changed application/xml
Schema: Broken compatibility
- Changed application/json
Schema: Broken compatibility
- GET /pet/findByTags
Return Type:
- Changed 200 OK
Media types:
- Changed application/xml
Schema: Broken compatibility
- Changed application/json
Schema: Broken compatibility
- DELETE /pet/{petId}
- Add newHeaderParam in header
- POST /pet/{petId}/uploadImage
- Changed petId in path
- POST /user
- Changed application/json
Schema: Backward compatible
- POST /user/createWithArray
- Changed application/json
Schema: Backward compatible
- POST /user/createWithList
- Changed application/json
Schema: Backward compatible
- GET /user/login
- Delete password in query
- GET /user/logout
- GET /user/{username}
Return Type:
- Changed 200 OK
Media types:
- Changed application/xml
Schema: Broken compatibility
- Changed application/json
Schema: Broken compatibility
- PUT /user/{username}
- Changed application/json
Schema: Backward compatible
-- Result --
API changes broke backward compatibility
### What's New
* `GET` /pet/{petId} Find pet by ID
### What's Deleted
* `POST` /pet/{petId} Updates a pet in the store with form data
### What's Deprecated
* `GET` /user/logout Logs out current logged in user session
### What's Changed
* `PUT` /pet Update an existing pet
Deleted request body : [application/xml]
Changed response : [application/json]
* `POST` /pet Add a new pet to the store
Add tags //add new query param demo
Changed response : [application/xml]
Changed response : [application/json]
* `GET` /pet/findByStatus Finds Pets by status
Return Type
Changed response : [200] //successful operation
* `GET` /pet/findByTags Finds Pets by tags
Return Type
Changed response : [200] //successful operation
* `DELETE` /pet/{petId} Deletes a pet
Add newHeaderParam
* `POST` /pet/{petId}/uploadImage uploads an image for pet
petId Notes ID of pet to update change into ID of pet to update, default false
* `POST` /user Create user
Changed response : [application/json]
* `POST` /user/createWithArray Creates list of users with given input array
Changed response : [application/json]
* `POST` /user/createWithList Creates list of users with given input array
Changed response : [application/json]
* `GET` /user/login Logs user into the system
Delete password //The password for login in clear text
* `GET` /user/logout Logs out current logged in user session
* `PUT` /user/{username} Updated user
Changed response : [application/json]
* `GET` /user/{username} Get user by user name
Return Type
Changed response : [200] //successful operation
"changedElements": [...],
"changedExtensions": null,
"changedOperations": [...],
"compatible": false,
"deprecatedEndpoints": [...],
"different": true,
"incompatible": true,
"missingEndpoints": [...],
"newEndpoints": [
"method": "GET",
"operation": {
"callbacks": null,
"deprecated": null,
"description": "Returns a single pet",
"extensions": null,
"externalDocs": null,
"operationId": "getPetById",
"parameters": [
"$ref": null,
"allowEmptyValue": null,
"allowReserved": null,
"content": null,
"deprecated": null,
"description": "ID of pet to return",
"example": null,
"examples": null,
"explode": false,
"extensions": null,
"in": "path",
"name": "petId",
"required": true,
"schema": {...},
"style": "SIMPLE"
"requestBody": null,
"responses": {...},
"security": [
"api_key": []
"servers": null,
"summary": "Find pet by ID",
"tags": [
"path": null,
"pathUrl": "/pet/{petId}",
"summary": "Find pet by ID"
"newSpecOpenApi": {...},
"oldSpecOpenApi": {...},
"unchanged": false
openapi-diff is released under the Apache License 2.0.
- Adarsh Sharma / adarshsharma
- Quentin Desramé / quen2404
- Sayi for his project swagger-diff which was a source of inspiration for this tool