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Create Contentful App

This repository includes multiple npm packages to improve the development experience when writing Contentful Apps.



A CLI to easily bootstrap Contentful apps

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A CLI to perform recurrent operations for Contentful's App Framework.

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Toolkit for building a Contentful app in React.

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A new package version is automatically published to npm upon merging on the mainline branch.

To manually publish the package, run npm run publish.

Canary releases

This package has two main development streams: latest and canary. Canary releases are labeled as ${CANDIDATE_VERSION}-alpha.${BUILD_NUMBER} in npm.

Changes on the canary branch are automatically published. However, you can still manually make a canary release using npm run publish:canary.


The default and stable releases are always published under the latest tag (as per npm convention). The release under the canary tag is to be considered unstable and potentially breaking. You should not rely on it in production.

Local testing of an examples in the apps repo

When creating or editing an example in the apps repo on a branch other than main, follow these steps to use that branch as a source for the CCA CLI:

  • Fetching Examples from the apps Branch
  • Cloning Examples from the apps Branch using tiged
  • Building the create-contentful-app package
  • Linking the create-contentful-app package
  • Running the create-contentful-app interactively
Fetching Examples from the apps Branch

In the packages/contentful--create-contentful-app/src/getGithubFolderNames.ts file change:



export const CONTENTFUL_APPS_EXAMPLE_FOLDER = '<branchname>';

Where is the branch with the example under development

Cloning Examples from the apps Branch using tiged

In the packages/contentful--create-contentful-app/template.ts file change:

const d = tiged(source, { mode: 'tar', disableCache: true });


const d = tiged(`${source}#<branchname>`, { mode: 'tar', disableCache: true });

Where is the branch with the example under development

Building the create-contentful-app package

From root

cd packages/contentful--create-contentful-app
npm run build
Linking the create-contentful-app package

From packages/contentful--create-contentful-app

npm link
cd ../create-contentful-app
npm link @contentful/create-contentful-app
Running the create-contentful-app interactively

From packages/create-contentful-app

node index