Deleted branch
update external docs
update external docs
Force push
2 days ago
update external docs
update external docs
3 days ago
fix: remove obsolete X-UA-Compatible meta tag from head.html
fix: remove obsolete X-UA-Compatible meta tag from head.html
Force push
fix: remove obsolete X-UA-Compatible meta tag from head.html
fix: remove obsolete X-UA-Compatible meta tag from head.html
Merge branch 'gh-pages' into stylelint
Merge branch 'gh-pages' into stylelint
docs: add deprecation note for 'back' redirect in and…
docs: add deprecation note for 'back' redirect in and…
Pull request merge
Merge branch 'gh-pages' into stylelint
Merge branch 'gh-pages' into stylelint
📄 update license to CC BY 4.0
📄 update license to CC BY 4.0
Force push
feat: add missing information
feat: add missing information
Force push
📄 update license to CC BY 4.0
📄 update license to CC BY 4.0
Force push
fix: update .stylelintignore to exclude vendor directory
fix: update .stylelintignore to exclude vendor directory
chore: update changelog for 5.1.0 release with some new features
chore: update changelog for 5.1.0 release with some new features
docs: remove special meaning of 'back' value in
docs: remove special meaning of 'back' value in
docs: add deprecation note for 'back' redirect in
docs: add deprecation note for 'back' redirect in