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Console Tool Architecture

The Console panel is responsible for rendering all logs coming from the current page.


Internal architecture of the Console panel (the client side) is described on the following diagram.

flowchart TB
-- "openBrowserConsole() or<br/>toggleBrowserConsole()"
--> BrowserConsoleManager["BrowserConsoleManager<br/>[browser-console-manager.js]"]
-- "{_browserConsole}"
--> BrowserConsole["BrowserConsole<br/>[browser-console.js]"];
WebConsolePanel["WebConsolePanel<br/>[panel.js]"] -- "{hud}" --> WebConsole["WebConsole[webconsole.js]"]
-- "{ui}" --> WebConsoleUI["WebConsoleUI<br/>[webconsole-ui.js]"]
-- "{wrapper}" --> WebConsoleWrapper["WebConsoleWrapper<br/>[webconsole-wrapper.js]"]
-- "ReactDOM.render" --> App;
BrowserConsole -- extends --> WebConsole;


The Console panel UI is built on top of React. It defines set of React components in components directory The React architecture is described on the following diagram.

flowchart TB
subgraph React Components
direction TB
App --> SideBar & NotificationBox & ConfirmDialog & FilterBar & ReverseSearchInput & ConsoleOutput & EditorToolbar & JSTerm
FilterBar --> FilterButton & ConsoleSettings
ConsoleOutput --> MessageContainer --> Message
Message --> MessageIndent & MessageIcon & CollapseButton & GripMessageBody & ConsoleTable & MessageRepeat
subgraph Reps
direction TB
ObjectInspector["ObjectInspector"] --> ObjectIspectorItem --> Rep["Rep<br/>[client/shared/components/reps/rep.mjs"] --> Rep
SideBar & ConsoleTable & GripMessageBody --> Reps
Message --> Frame["Frame<br/>[client/shared/components/Frame.js]"] & SmartTrace["SmartTrace<br/>[client/shared/components/SmartTrace.js]"] & TabboxPanel["TabboxPanel<br/>[client/netmonitor/src/components/TabboxPanel.js]"]
JSTerm -- editor --> Editor["Editor<br/>[client/shared/sourceeditor/editor.js]"]

There are several external components we use from the WebConsole:

  • ObjectInspector/Rep: Used to display a variable in the console output and handle expanding the variable when it's not a primitive.
  • Frame: Used to display the location of messages.
  • SmartTrace: Used to display the stack trace of messages and errors
  • TabboxPanel: Used to render a network message detail. This is directly using the component from the Netmonitor so we are consistent in how we display a request internals.


The Console panel implements a set of actions divided into several groups.

  • Filters Actions related to content filtering.
  • Messages Actions related to list of messages rendered in the panel.
  • UI Actions related to the UI state.


The Console panel manages the app state via Redux.

There are following reducers defining the panel state:

  • reducers/filters.js state for panel filters. These filters can be set from within the panel's toolbar (e.g. error, info, log, css, etc.)
  • reducers/messages.js state of all messages rendered within the panel.
  • reducers/prefs.js Preferences associated with the Console panel (e.g. logLimit)
  • reducers/ui.js UI related state (sometimes also called a presentation state). This state contains state of the filter bar (visible/hidden), state of the time-stamp (visible/hidden), etc.