- Entire page: Click the screenshot button (
:ref:`needs to be enabled <tools-toolbox-extra-tools>` first).
- Viewport: Click the screenshot button (
) in :ref:`Responsive Design Mode <responsive-design-mode-camera-button>`.
- Node: Right-click a node within the Inspector and click :ref:`"Screenshot Node" <taking-screenshots-of-an-element>`.
- Via :doc:`Web Console command <../web_console/helpers/index>`:
screenshot <filename.png> --fullpage
- Choose between a :ref:`light and a dark theme <settings-themes>` for the developer tools.
- :ref:`Change the keyboard bindings <settings-editor-preferences>` to Vim, Emacs or Sublime Text if you're used to different shortcuts.
- Check or uncheck the different tools to enable or disable them. (There are more than the default tools!)
In the :ref:`markup view <page_inspector_ui_tour_html_pane>`:
- Press H with a node selected to hide/show it.
- Press Backspace or Del with a node selected to delete it.
- Alt + click on a node to expand or collapse it and all its descendants.
- Click on the last :ref:`breadcrumb button <page-inspector-how-to-examine-and-edit-html-breadcrumbs>` to scroll the selection into view in the inspector.
- Click the "ev" icon besides a node to :doc:`see all event listeners attached to it <../page_inspector/examine_event_listeners/index>`.
- Press S with a node selected to see it in the page (same as right-click a node and click :ref:`Scroll Into View <page_inspector_how_to_examine_and_edit_scroll_into_view>`).
- Right-click a node and click :ref:`Use in Console<page_inspector_how_to_examine_and_edit_html_use_in_console>` to :doc:`command line <../web_console/the_command_line_interpreter/index>` as
When :ref:`selecting elements <page_inspector_select_element_button>`:
- Shift + click to select an element but keep selecting (picker mode doesn't disengage).
- Use ←/→ to navigate to parents/children elements (if they're hard to select).
In the :ref:`rules view <page_inspector_ui_tour_rules_view>`:
- Click the inspector icon
next to any selector to highlight all elements that match it.
- Click the inspector icon
next to the
rule to lock the highlighter on the current element. - Right-click any property and select "Show MDN Docs" to view the MDN docs for this property.
- Click on the filter icon
next to an overridden property to :ref:`find which other property overrides it <page-inspector-how-to-examine-and-edit-css-overridden-declarations>`.
- Right-click on a name, value, or rule to copy anything from the name, the value, the declaration or the whole rule to your clipboard.
In all panels:
- Esc opens the :doc:`split console <../web_console/split_console/index>`; useful when debugging, or inspecting nodes
In the :doc:`command line <../web_console/the_command_line_interpreter/index>`:
- :ref:`$0 <web_console_helpers_$0>` references the currently selected node.
- :ref:`$() <web_console_helpers_$>` is a shortcut to document.querySelector()
- :ref:`$$() <web_console_helpers_$$>` returns an array with the results from document.querySelectorAll().
- :ref:`$$$() <web_console_helpers_$$$>` returns an array of all the elements matching the selector, even when they are in the shadow DOM.
- :ref:`copy <web_console_helpers_copy>` copies anything as a string.
- Right-click a node in the Inspector and click :ref:`Use in Console <page_inspector_how_to_examine_and_edit_html_use_in_console>` to create a :ref:`temp*N* <web_console_helpers_tempn>` variable for it.
- console.table() displays tabular data as table.
- :ref:`help <web_console_helpers_help>` opens the MDN page describing the available commands.
:screenshot <filename.png> --fullpage
saves a screenshot to your downloads directory using the optional file name. If no filename is included, the file name will be in this format:
Screen Shot date at time.png
The --fullpage
parameter is optional. If you include it, the screenshot will be of the whole page, not just the section visible in the browser windows. The file name will have -fullpage
appended to it as well. See :doc:`Web Console Helpers <../web_console/helpers/index>` for all parameters.
In the console output:
- Click on the inspector icon
next to an element in the output to :ref:`select it within the Inspector <web_console_rich_output_highlighting_and_inspecting_dom_nodes>`.
- Check :ref:`"Enable persistent logs" <settings-common-preferences>` in the settings to keep logged messages from before even after navigation.
- Check :ref:`"Enable timestamps" <settings-web-console>` in the settings to show timestamps besides the logged messages.
- Skip JavaScript libraries in debugging sessions via the black box icon
- Press Ctrl + Alt + F to search in all scripts.
- Press Ctrl + D to search for a function definition.
- Press Ctrl + L to go to a specific line.
- The black box icon
in the style sheet pane toggles the visibility of a style sheet.
- Click an :ref:`@media rule <style-editor-the-at-rules-sidebar>` to apply it in :doc:`Responsive Design Mode <../responsive_design_mode/index>`.
- Click the import button
to import a style sheet or the create button
to create a new one.
- Click the options button in the :ref:`style sheet pane <style-editor-the-style-sheet-pane>` and click :ref:`"Show original sources" <style-editor-source-map-support>` to toggle the display of CSS preprocessor files.
- Click the request summary to :doc:`compare performance of cache vs. no-cache page loading <../network_monitor/performance_analysis/index>`.
- When a request is selected click :ref:`"Edit and Resend" <network-monitor-request-list-edit-and-resend>` to modify its headers and send it again.
- Check :ref:`"enable persistent logs" <settings-common-preferences>` in the settings to keep requests from before even after navigation.
- Hover the :ref:`"js" icon within the "Cause" column <request-list-requst-list-cause-column>` to see the JavaScript stack trace, which caused the request.
- Check :ref:`"Disable HTTP Cache (when toolbox is open)" <settings_advanced_settings>` in the settings to disable the network cache while debugging network issues.
- Right-click the column headers to open a menu allowing to toggle the display of the columns.
- Right-click an entry and click "Delete name" to delete it or "Delete All" to delete all entries.
- Select an entry to see the parsed value of it in the sidebar.