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Debugging A Minidump

This page is an import from MDN and the contents might be outdated

The minidump file format contains data about a crash on Windows. It is used by rust-minidump, Breakpad, and also by various Windows debugging tools. Each minidump includes the following data.

  • Details about the exception which led to the crash.
  • Information about each thread in the process: the address which was executing and the register state at the time the process stopped.
  • A list of shared libraries loaded into the process at the time of the crash.
  • The stack memory of each thread.
  • The memory right around the crashing address.
  • (Optional) Other memory regions, if requested by the application.
  • (Optional) Other platform-specific data.

Accessing minidumps from crash reports

Minidumps are not available to everyone. For details on how to gain access and where to find minidump files for crash reports, consult the :ref:`crash report documentation <Understanding Crash Reports>`

Using rust-minidump's tooling

Most of our crash-reporting infrastructure is based on rust-minidump. The primary tool for this is the minidump-stackwalk CLI application, which includes extensive user documentation.

That documentation includes a dedicated section on locally analyzing Firefox crashreports and minidumps.

If you're looking for minidump_dump, it's included as part of minidump-stackwalk.

Using the MS Visual Studio debugger

  1. Set up the debugger to :ref:`use the Mozilla symbol server <Using The Mozilla Symbol Server>` and :ref:`source server <Using The Mozilla Source Server>`.
  2. Double-click on the minidump file to open it in the debugger.
  3. When it loads, click the green icon in the visual studio debugger toolbar that looks like a play button.

For Firefox releases older than Firefox 41, you will also need to install the relevant release of Firefox (for example from here), and add the directory it is in (e.g., "C:Program FilesMozilla Firefox 3.6 Beta 1") to the same dialog in which you set up the symbol server (in case the binary location in the minidump is not the same as the one on your machine). Note that you can install the relevant release anywhere. Just make sure to configure the symbol server to the directory where you installed it. For releases from 41 onward, the binaries are available on the symbol server.

If this doesn't work, downloading the exact build and crashreporter symbols full files. These can be found in treeherder / build folder. Load Visual Studio, and go to file -> open -> minidump location. Click on "Run Native", and Visual Studio will ask for the corresponding symbol files. For each .dll you wish to have symbols for, you must go to a console and go to the corresponding directory. E.g. (xul.dll should go to xul.pdf in the crashreporter symbols directory). Each directory will have a .pd_ file. In a command shell run: "expand /r foo.pd_". Then point Visual Studio to this directory.

Then you'll be able to examine:

stack trace The debugger shows the stack trace. You can right-click on any frame in the stack, and then choose "go to disassembly" or "go to source". (Choosing "go to disassembly" from the source view might not get you to the right place due to optimizations.) When looking at the source, beware that the debugging information will associate all inlined functions as part of the line into which they were inlined, and compiler (with PGO) inlines very aggressively (including inlining virtual functions). You can often figure out where you really are by reading the disassembly.
registers In the Registers tab (Debug->Windows->Registers if you don't have it open), you can look at the registers associated with each stack frame, but only at the current state (i.e., the time of the crash). Registers that Visual Studio can't figure out will be grayed-out and have the value 00000000.
stack memory You open a window (Memory 1, etc.) that shows contiguous segments of memory using the Debug->Windows->Memory menu item. You can then enter the address of the stack pointer (ESP register) in this window and look at the memory on the stack. (The minidump doesn't have the memory on the heap.) It's a good idea to change the "width" dropdown in the top right corner of the window from its default "Auto" to either "8" or "16" so that the memory display is word-aligned. If you're interested in pointers, which is usually the case, you can right click in this window and change the display to show 4-byte words (so that you don't have to reverse the order due to little-endianness). This view, combined with the disassembly, can often be used to reconstruct information beyond what in shown the function parameters.
local variables In the Watch 1 (etc.) window (which, if you don't have open, you can iget from Debug->Windows->Watch), you can type an expression (e.g., the name of a local variable) and the debugger will show you its value (although it sometimes gets confused). If you're looking at a pointer to a variable that happens to be on the stack, you can even examine member variables by just typing expressions. If Visual Studio can't figure something out from the minidump, it might show you 00000000 (is this true?).

Using minidump-2-core on Linux

The Breakpad source contains a tool called minidump-2-core, which converts Linux minidumps into core files. If you checkout and build Breakpad, the binary will be at src/tools/linux/md2core/minidump-2-core. Running the binary with the path to a Linux minidump will generate a core file on stdout which can then be loaded in gdb as usual. You will need to manually download the matching Firefox binaries, but then you can use the :ref:`GDB Python script <Downloading symbols on Linux / Mac OS X>` to download symbols.

The minidump-2-core source does not currently handle processing minidumps from a different CPU architecture than the system it was built for. If you want to use it on an ARM dump, for example, you may need to build the tool for ARM and run it under QEMU.

Using other tools to inspect minidump data

Ted has a few tools that can be built against an already-built copy of Breakpad to do more targeted inspection. All of these tools assume you have checked out their source in a directory next to the breakpad checkout, and that you have built Breakpad in an objdir named obj-breakpad at the same level.

  • stackwalk-http is a version of the breakpad's minidump_stackwalk that can fetch symbols over HTTP, and also has the Mozilla symbol server URL baked in. If you run it like stackwalk /path/to/dmp /tmp/syms it will print the stack trace and save the symbols it downloaded in /tmp/syms. Note that symbols are only uploaded to the symbol server for nightly and release builds, not per-change builds.
  • dump-lookup takes a minidump and prints values on the stack that are potential return addresses. This is useful when a stack trace looks truncated or otherwise wrong. It needs symbol files to produce useful output, so you will generally want to have run stackwalk-http to download them first.
  • get-minidump-instructions retrieves and displays the memory range surrounding the faulting instruction pointer from a minidump. You will almost always want to run it with the --disassemble option, which will make it send the bytes through objdump to display the disassembled instructions. If you also give it a path to symbols (see stackwalk-http above) it can download the matching source files from and display source interleaved with the disassembly.
  • minidump-modules takes a minidump and prints the list of modules from the crashed process. It will print the full path to each module, whereas the Socorro UI only prints the filename for each module for privacy reasons. It also accepts a -v option to print the debug ID for each module, and a -d option to print relative paths to the symbol files that would be used instead of the module filenames.

Getting a stack trace from a crashed B2G process

  1. Get the minidump file in the phone at /data/b2g/mozilla/*.default/minidump/. You can use adb pull for that.
  2. Build the debug symbols using the command ./ buildsymbols inside the B2G tree. The symbol files will be generated in $OBJDIR/dist/crashreporter-symbols.
  3. Build and install google-breakpad.
  4. Use the minidump-stackwalk tool to get the stack trace.

$ cd B2G
$ adb pull /data/b2g/mozilla/*.default/minidump/*.dmp .
$ls *.dmp
$ minidump-stackwalk 71788789-197e-d769-67167423-4e7aef32.dmp objdir-debug/dist/crashreporter-symbols/