This module performs the tasks needed as part of creating a release for Hibernate ORM. Releases are triggered as a Jenkins job.
There are a few steps that need to be performed prior to starting the release job:
Pull all upstream changes and perform
./gradlew preVerifyRelease
. -
Verify issues in the Jira version
Remove fix version for anything rejected, etc.
Move unresolved issues to another version
Mark version released in Jira
Bulk close all issues in the Jira version
If this is a new series, some additional steps are required to prepare the website:
Create the series descriptor
create the directory
create the file
add the appropriate content (generally this can be copied from previous series)
Create the series listing
create the directory
create the file
add listing of all new features in the series
Create the documentation listing
create the directory
create the file
add links to all documentation (generally this can be copied from previous series)
If this new series is to support a new JPA release, also be sure to update
Start the appropriate Jenkins job.
When a release is started, the job coordinates with the unified Hibernate release scripts in a number of stages and steps, calling tasks on this module’s Gradle script. |
At a high-level, this process:
builds and verifies the individual modules
produces artifacts and publishes them
tags the release
updates the website
This process has a number of "outputs"…
Release artifacts are published to Sonatype OSSRH (aka, Maven Central). For each module, we publish:
The "main" jar
The sources jar
The javadoc jar
The Gradle plugin gets published to Gradle’s Plugin Portal.
All documentation for the release is generated, assembled and then published to the documentation server.
If the release is a maintenance release, there is nothing more to do.
However, for Alpha, Beta, CR and first Final releases some announcements are in order:
Write a release announcement blog post.
Announce the release, with link to the blob post:
on the hibernate-dev and hibernate-announce mailing lists
on the forums
on Twitter
anywhere else you wish (BlueSky, etc).