Determine the best place for you and your friends to meet
- Rename config-example.yml to config.yml
- populate the config with settings for MySQL DB, Yelp API and Zulip API
- Run with ruby zulipbot.rb - currently it runs attached to the parent process, it doesn't daemonize
- I've been running it in screen
- Query it with @ in zulip or make it register to join a stream
- Run with ruby run_under_sinatra.rb (or perhaps undershotgun)
- Query it with "[]=455%20broadway,%20new%20york&address[]=125%20W%2055th%20St,%20new%20york&type=date"
- The reason for logging the event into the DB, is I would like to use them to allow users to schedule event and have others sign up to them. This is a TBD.
- Something akin to Doodle, but taking it much further as the app would chose not only the best date, but also the best location, and a restaurant.
- If I were able to hook it up to the Google Maps Routing API, it could then send out directions to each person, and reminders prior to the event.
- Once all that is done, being able to hook up to the OpenTable API to book a table on the scheduled date for everyone who can make it, at the appropriate restaurant would be the icing on the cake
- In the future it should deal with edge cases better - eg. the midpoint between london and paris is over the sea, so there is no restaurant close to the midpoint.
- Also in the future it would be good to hook up to a routing API, as the geographic midpoint may in some cases take longer to get to then going from point A to point B. and this will allow people to specify method of travel too.
- i.e. Andrew is happy to go by foot, car or public transport
- Will is happy to go by foot, bicyle or public transport
- Harry is happy to go by public transport, and walk no more than 10 minutes
- Daemonize the process to make it easier to run as a service